3. 转换为网格(Convert to Mesh):有时你可能需要将 SolidWorks 模型转换为网格模型,例如进行仿真分析或导入到其他应用程序。对于这种情况,你可以使用 "保存为STL文件" 命令,选择适当的 STL 文件选项,并将模型另存为 STL 格式。4. 转换为其他文件格式:除了 STL,SolidWorks 还支持导出为许多其他...
如何将stl obj等mesh(网格模型)格式文件导入solidworks变为可编辑实体/曲面?文件——打开——mesh files默认情况下导入后是graphics(参考网格)无法编辑因此需要在打开前开启选项菜单 改为生成实体或者曲面文件这样就得到了可编辑的实体/曲面注意:多边形网格模型全部由
How to convert SOLIDWORKS files? Use CAD Exchanger software to read and write sldprt/sldasm or enable your 3D CAD application to process it.
There are also 3rd party programs that can save .stl into some other format that SW can open, none come to mind though. Either way, you'll end up with a model that has tons of 'mesh' faces because it can't re-create the smoothness of the original model the .stl was generated from...
SolidWorks currently offers three mesh formats suited for 3D printing: STL (STereoLithography), AMF (Additive Manufacturing Format, XML-based), and 3MF (3D Manufacturing Format, native 3D format for Microsoft Windows). Choose the format in the dropdown menu after selectingFile → Save As, then ...
Recommendation: Graphics bodies import faster. In SOLIDWORKS, you can convert them to mesh BREP bodies, and therefore import mesh files as graphics bodies. Export The STL translator exports SOLIDWORKS part and assembly documents as STL files. Click: ...
stl转stp实体step或obj转stp实体step CtrlAndAll 【搬运】Solidowkrs汽车建模 威力曲面 power surfacing kevin10988 solidworks威力曲面 6.1 简体中文 全模块系统学习课程 黑龙工业培训 1.5万15 如何用solidworks编辑stl/obj等mesh类格式文件 欧拉欧拉红豆饭
I've also saved as STL from Solid Works and imported it into GH as a mesh. This lets you do some analysis with mesh vertices, faces, normals etc. You might be able to define some NURBS curves or surfaces based on mesh data as long as you don't need to be very accurate. Reply ...
Planar faces in a mesh BREP body so that you can use them as sketch planes, extrude references, and in other models with planar references. This tool is most useful for CAD files that you export to mesh and then import into the SOLIDWORKS software and convert to mesh BREP bodies. Although...
In today’s article, we are going to look at three different tool sets that can be used to work with mesh data. Mesh data is saved in a variety of file formats, the most common being STL, though you may have run across a number of others (.obj, .ply, .3mf, .amf). These ...