I made a tutorial about converting STL meshes to NURBS models (like a Step file), it might have some content you'll find useful: Convert STL (or OBJ) Mesh to SOLIDWORKS Model (NURBS) This model needs to be redrawn in a CAD program to get clean data for machining. I'll estimate it...
Certified SolidWorks Professional Report Reply 5 Likes Anonymous in reply to TheCADWhisperer 02-11-2019 06:10 AM Well for starters you need to go to personal preferences and enable the mesh workbench. I learned that from another beginner. Then you open the stl file and then I am...
I am not sure, but 2d dont fit in stl. But, you can import your dwg to a 2d sketch in solidworks, transform into a solid , and save it as stl or igs...for example... Regards Nuno February 12, 2011, 12:59 Thanks dude