AdvancedExamples ApplicationofEFDZooming 应用EFD缩放(C1-Zooming) FlowSimulation的所谓EFD缩放功能,在此将采用一个工程示例来演示,该案例在同时 考虑电子机箱中的其他电子元件情况下,为主芯片选择更好的散热器形状。 电子机箱包含了所考虑的主芯片散热器,其装配模型如下图所示。安装在机箱入口处的 ...
文档分类:管理/人力资源|页数:约20页 文档列表文档介绍 Solidworks - Lesson 3 - Assembly Basics 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:20 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:kuo08092 文件大小:0 KB 时间:2015-04-10
swDocASSEMBLY=2 swDocDRAWING=3 EndEnum 参数3是翻开文档的模式,一般我们就选择swOpenDocOptions_Silent用0表 示,自然还有只读、只看等选项 参数4是翻开选项,一般置空 后边是两个OutPut,用来显示错误翻开时的提示 函数返回一个指向翻开文件的指针。 依据上边的要求我们在向装置体中插入一个零零件时,需要这样步骤...
You will use them to make an assembly at the end of the next lesson. More to Explore — Modeling More Parts Description Look at the following examples. There are at least three features in each example. Identify the 2D Sketch tools used to create the shapes. You should: Consider how the...
OpeneDrawings, go toFile->Openor pressCtrl+O, browse for thedrawing, part or assemblyyou want to convert to PDF and clickOpen Go toFile->Printor pressCtrl+P, choose novaPDF from thePrintersection and adjust novaPDF’s settings if needed by using thePropertiesbutton ...
I need a Solidworks drawing for a wood wall panel cabinet based on a PDF I have. The most critical aspect to highlight in the drawing is the assembly instructions, as I have detailed instructions on how the components should fit together. The assembly instructions are available in the form ...
This new assembly can then be used as a subassembly in an assembly of an en 9、gine. The extension for a SolidWorks assembly file name is .SLDASM. See subassembly, mate.零件、特征以及其它装配体(子装配体)在里面配合在一起的文档。零件和子装配体位于不同的文件内。例如,活塞是一个可在装配体...
Oracle Agile PLM MCAD Connector - Version 3.6 and later: Getting Error "Error in agilePLM4, message: Error saving SolidWorks model" When Saving An Assembly to Agile
superimposed in phantom lines on the original view.Alternate position views are often used to show range of motion of an assembly. 一个或多个视图以幻影线叠加于原有视图之上的工程视图。交替位置视图常用于显示装配体的运动范围。anchor point 定位点(1) The end of a leader that attaches to the note...
18、s Goals Plot Save and close the assembly file. Lesson 1: Key Results Flow Simulation 采用整体模型尺寸、计算域以及在其上指定条件和目标的面的有关信息,来计算默认的 最小缝隙尺寸和最小壁面厚度。但这可能不足以识别相对较小的缝隙,这可能会造成结果不准确 在此情况下,必须手动指定最小缝隙尺寸和最...