括Application、Model、Part、Assembly、Drawing等核心对象。 示例:使用示例:使用C#创建一个创建一个SolidWorks零件零件 usingSolidWorks.Interop.sldworks; usingSolidWorks.Interop.swconst; classProgram { staticvoidMain(string[]args) { //创建SolidWorks应用程序对象 ISldWorksswApp= (ISldWorks)Activator.CreateInstance(...
Complete the form below to download the SOLIDWORKS Beginner’s Guide PDFto get an overview of 3D concepts and design processes in a high-level approach. A step-by-step tutorial for creating a part, assembly and drawing is also included. SOLIDWORKS Beginner’s Guide PDF The SOLIDWORKS Beginner...
(作者提示:在三维设计系统中, part,assembly,drawing,是相关的 , 即假设修改了在 part 中某尺寸的 大小,你会发现,在 assembly 或 drawing 中,该尺寸也发生了相同的变化。如果该零件设计用于模具、 加工,那么,由零件生成模具或加工代码也随之发生了变化。) ●可以利用特征造型来建立零件的模型。 用来生成零件的...
PartDoc、AssemblyDoc和DrawingDoc等三个常用的对象。 不管是用何种编程语言对Solidworks进行外部开发或在其内部进行开发,都 是通过调用Solidworks的对象体系结构来进行的。Solidworks的API编程接口封 装了所有的ActiveX对象供编程所用。Solidworks的对象层次结构可以描述为 ...
Open any assembly or drawing, even if the referenced files were lost or never sent! Multiple options to view or modify empty parent files
You can export SOLIDWORKS part, assembly, and drawing documents as Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) files and part and assembly documents as 3D PDF. For the best results, use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader when opening .pdf files. You can download an updated copy of...
Adobe Portable Document Format (*.pdf) FilesYou can export SolidWorks part, assembly, and drawing documents as Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) files and part and assembly documents as 3D PDF or U3D files.For the best results, use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader when ...
8.1 AssemblyDoc概述 8.2 IAssemblyDoc对象的使用 8.2.1 实例分析:装配体中部件的操作 8.2.2 实例分析:在装配体中获得所有部件 8.3 Component2概述 8.4 Component2部件对象的使用 8.4.1 实例分析:查看与设置部件状态 8.4.2 实例分析:替换装配体中的部件 ...
Production-ready documentation and 2D drawing solutions Intuitive user interface designed by engineers, for engineers to use Built-in real-time collaboration tools for sharing and marking up designs Secure, CAD-aware cloud file and revision management ...