Complete the form below to download the SOLIDWORKS Beginner’s Guide PDFto get an overview of 3D concepts and design processes in a high-level approach. A step-by-step tutorial for creating a part, assembly and drawing is also included. SOLIDWORKS Beginner’s Guide PDF The SOLIDWORKS Beginner...
This assembly will be used later, in Lesson 11, to create a movie using the SolidWorks Animator software. Procedure: 1 Create a new assembly. 2 Save the assembly. Name it Claw-Mechanism. 3 Insert the Center-Post component into the assembly. The files for this exercises are found in the ...
Drawings R E P R O D U C I B L E L e s s o n 2 : B a s i c F u n c t i o n a l i t y S o l i d W o r k s T e a c h e r G u i d e a n d S t u d e n t C o u r s e w a r e 5 3 PartPart Assembly DrawingDrawing L e s s...
Exporting a drawing as a PDF file Exporting the drawing as an image Summary Questions Bills of Materials Technical requirements Understanding BOMs Understanding a BOM Generating a standard BOM Inserting an assembly into a drawing sheet Creating a standard BOM Adjusting information in the BOMs Adjusting...
The 1.1 Solidworks2010 installation method and software introduction 1.2 Solidworks2010 user interface profile 1.3 users customize the system options The foundation of the second sketch The use of the mouse at Solidworks The 2.2 line tool command 2.3 rectangular use Size 2.4 command usage 2....
Drawing...122 B Exercises...124 Covered Can...
complete the exercises in the Online Tutorials. ! The templates are located in the Tutorial tab on the New SolidWorks Document dialog box. ! Document properties are saved in templates. R E P R O D U C I B L E L e s s o n 2 : B a s i c F u n c t i o n a l i ...