AddDimension Method (IModelDocExtension) 在选定实体的指定位置创建显示维度。 AddDisplayStateSpecificRenderMaterial Method (IModelDocExtension) 将指定的外观添加到活动配置中的指定显示状态,并返回分配给该外观的ID。 AddOrdinateDimension Method (IModelDocExtension) 插入坐标标注。 AddOrUpdateSearchData Method (IMod...
AddRadialDimension2 Method (IModelDoc2) 在选定项的指定位置添加径向尺寸。 AddSceneExtProperty Method (IModelDoc2) 存储场景的浮点、字符串或整数值。 AddVerticalDimension2 Method (IModelDoc2) 在指定位置为当前选定的实体创建垂直尺寸标注。 AlignOrdinate Method (IModelDoc2) 对齐选定的一组坐标标注。 Ali...
adjacent dimensions are very close together, the leaders are automatically jogged as needed to prevent overlapping text. Drag handles are displayed at the bends when you select an ordinate dimension with a bent leader. You can remove the bend, or add a bend to a different ordinate dimension. ...
您可以创建用于测量两点间水平或垂直距离的尺寸。单击绘制 > 坐标尺寸 。 单击以定义要测量的两个点并指定尺寸线位置。 您也可以通过在输入坐标字段中输入值来手动输入坐标。X 和 Y 坐标中的值必须用逗号分隔(例如,150,125)。 :结束命令。父主题尺寸命令 ...
8.1 填入基本信息--导入3D文件到工程图 (12)8.2 产生工程视图D RAWING VIEW (13)8.3 标准尺寸公差DIMENSIONING& TOLERANCING ASMEY14.5M-1994 (14)8.3.1基本设置 (14)8.3.2尺寸链(Ordinate Dimensions) (14)8.3.3工程图中给倒角标注尺寸 (14)8.3.4插入文字或符号 (14)8.3.5半径或直径尺寸 (...
8.1 填入基本信息--导入3D文件到工程图 (12)8.2 产生工程视图D RAWING VIEW (13)8.3 标准尺寸公差DIMENSIONING& TOLERANCING ASMEY14.5M-1994 (14)8.3.1基本设置 (14)8.3.2尺寸链(Ordinate Dimensions) (14)8.3.3工程图中给倒角标注尺寸 (14)8.3.4插入文字或符号 (14)8.3.5半径或直径尺寸 (...
equati on方程式Creates a mathematical relation between sketch dimensions, using dimension names as variables, or between feature parame 52、ters, such as the depth of an extruded feature or the in sta nee count in a patter n.使用如变量之类的尺寸名称在草图尺寸之间,或在 特征参数之间(如拉伸特征...
extension line 延伸线 The line extending from the model indicating the point from which a dimension is measured. 从模型延伸的直线,表明尺寸测量自的点。 extrude 拉伸 A feature that linearly projects a sketch to either add material to a part (in a base or boss) or remove material from a ...
53、m the model indicating the point from which a dimension is measured.从模型延伸的直线,表明尺寸测量自的点。extrude拉伸A feature that linearly projects a sketch to either add material to a part (in a base or boss) or remove material from a part (in a cut or hole).线性凸出草图以将材料...
extension line 延伸线 The line extending from the model indicating the point from which a dimension is measured. 从模型延伸的直线,表明尺寸测量自的点。 extrude 拉伸 A feature that linearly projects a sketch to either add material to a part (in a base or boss) or remove material from a ...