水平累進寸法 (Horizontal Ordinate Dimension) または 垂直累進寸法 (Vertical Ordinate Dimension) のいずれかを選択し、寸法の方向を指定できます。 最初のアイテム(エッジ、頂点など)を基準点として(つまり0.0寸法値として)クリックし、寸法をモデルの外に配置するために再度クリックします。 同...
(baseOriginasEntity).Select(false);// 这里还有个坐标相同的处理可以优化。foreach(varitemincircleEdges) { (itemasEntity).Select(true); } swDrawing.AddOrdinateDimension2((int)swAddOrdinateDims_e.swHorizontalOrdinate,0, viewLoc[1] -0.01,0); (baseOriginasEntity).Select(false);foreach(varitemin...
您可以创建用于测量两点间水平或垂直距离的尺寸。单击绘制 > 坐标尺寸 。 单击以定义要测量的两个点并指定尺寸线位置。 您也可以通过在输入坐标字段中输入值来手动输入坐标。X 和 Y 坐标中的值必须用逗号分隔(例如,150,125)。 :结束命令。父主题尺寸命令 ...
IAddDiameterDimension2 Method (IModelDoc2) 在选定项的指定位置添加直径标注。 IAddHorizontalDimension2 Method (IModelDoc2) 在指定位置为当前选定实体创建水平尺寸标注。 IAddRadialDimension2 Method (IModelDoc2) 在选定项的指定位置添加径向尺寸。 IAddVerticalDimension2 Method (IModelDoc2) 在指定位置为当...
1. Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar) or Tools > Dimensions > Smart. The pointer changes to . 2. Select the top horizontal line in the rectangle. A dimension appears. 3. Drag the dimension up and click to place it. 4. In the Modify dialog box, type 100 and click ....
Add a tangent relation between the circles Add a concentric relation between the circles Add a horizontal relation between the circles Add an equal relation between the circlesQ8. Which reference geometry is NOT available in SOLIDWORKS?sphere plane point axis...
(center)圆心起点终点画弧 Saves 另存为 Add new sheet新工作表 Axis B Rebuild 重建 Rebuild 重建模型 Balloon 气球 Rib肋骨,排骨 C Circle 圆 Copy Center mark 中心点 Combine 使联合 Cut with surface用面切割 Circular pattern花纹 D Dimension尺寸,度量 Derived sketch导入图 Insert model item插入模型项目 ...
The angle is created relative to the horizontal. You can also enter values for Length and Angle under Parameters to create a line with those values. To add and display the dimension, select Add dimensions. 2-18 Options All four line orientations under Orientation allow you to select either ...
This shows the existing relation of your line sketch as your selected currently. If you draw line horizontally in graphics area, shows Horizontal with line no. (e.g. Horizontal2). Add Relations This is helps to add new relations to your Line sketch. It contains relations like horizontal, ve...
(center)圆心起点终点画弧 Saves另存为 Addnewsheet新工作表 Axis BRebuild重建 Rebuild重建模型 Balloon气球Rib肋骨,排骨 CCircle圆CopyCentermark中心点 Combine使联合 Cutwithsurface用面切割 Circular pattern花纹 DDimension尺寸,度量 Derived sketch导入图 Insertmodelitem 插入模型项目 Dome圆顶Draft草图标注主从 E...