ORVAL HYDRAULIC OSENSA OSKAR SCHWENK OSNA OTECO OTS OTT OTTO MEINZER OTTOMEINZER OUTLAND TECHNOLOGY OUTLANDTECHNOLOGY OWIS OXYTECHNIK OZEN OZKAN Oasis Ocean Insight OceanInsight Odotech Oehlbach OhmEx Ohmite Omec Motors OmecMotors OnDrives OpenDate Oppermann Regelgeraete OppermannRegelgeraete Opsens Optel Opti...
CAM Buckles - with Spring E-Clip CAM Buckles - with Spring E-ClipComes in blue, yellow, or gray. For use inside van trailers equipped with wood or metal rails and E-Series/F-Series track. Will secure most loads from shifting or falling. ...
流体流动噪声是在测量低导率液体(100vs/cm以下)流体流量时,电极的电化学电势定期波动,产生随流量增加而频率增加的随机干扰噪声,具有类似泥浆干扰的1/f频谱特性,因此提高励磁频率有助于降低流体流动噪声的数量级,以提高电磁流量传感器测量低导电率流体流量的信噪比。 在电化学领域中,电磁流量计会由于以上原因而产生干扰...
In the present study, these hydraulic tests were carried out using distilled water at 45 ◦C using a flow of 2.5 mL min−1 and a total volume of 1 L. The above process allowed the authors to obtain the surface of the adsorbent hydrophilic properties, since the moisture in the ...
When sludge pasteurization is mandatory, the digester is usually operated in batch-mode (a sequence of feeding-reaction-withdrawal that is repeated batch after batch) to avoid hydraulic shorts and ensure time-temperature conditions. By supplying a suitable amount of air, several biochemical reactions ...
The hydraulic retention time (HRT) was set by regulating the inlet volumetric flow rate, according to: HRT = VR Q (1) A mixture of air-CO2 (5% v/v) was bubbled at a flow rate of 1 L h−1 by means of a sieved silicon tube placed at the reactor bottom. Light was provided by...
数字控制机床,简称数控机床(NC,Numerical Control),是三十年来综合应用集机械、电气、液压、气动、微电子和信息等多项技术为一体的机电一体化产品,在机械制造设备中具有高精度、高效率、高自动化和高柔性化等优点。本文主要介绍安邦信G9系列变频器在数控机床上的优越性。
摘要:用CAE方法分析某汽车柴油发动机油底壳的振动噪声性能。通过油底壳的模态分析、发动机多种工况下的频响分析、辐射噪声及隔声分析、自由场的1 米噪声回放等系列仿真计算,从振动级、辐射声级、声传递损失及声音品质综合分析和评价油底壳的振动噪声性能,并对原油底壳进行振动、噪声、品质优化。