assessment to be made of the solicitor’s abilities as a High Court judge which is much more relevant than his talents as an advocate. 委任㆒名律師為特委大法官,有助評估該 名律 師擔任高等法院大法官的 能力,這比較他是否在法庭㆖有辯才更有關係。 [...] ...
高等法院(The High Court) 刑事法院(The Crown Court) 上诉法院(Court of Appeal) 最高法院(The Supreme Court) 事务辩护律师结合了事务律师和出庭律师的角色,为客户提供了持续、便捷和一贯的法律服务。此外,目前事务辩护律师一般专门从事民事或刑事诉讼。 3、如何成为事务辩护律师? 首先,需要正式成为一名具有执业资格...
SSC - Solicitor to the Supreme Court. Looking for abbreviations of SSC? It is Solicitor to the Supreme Court. Solicitor to the Supreme Court listed as SSC
苏格兰最高法院的事务律师〔Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of Scotland〕、格拉斯哥代诉人皇家协会〔Ro...
〔Judicature Acts〕将他们统一称为「最高法院的事务律师」〔Solicitors of the Supreme Court〕,并成为...
These provisions relate to the Higher Rights Assessment Board (the Board)'s determination of an application for higher rights of audience before the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal in civil and criminal proceedings (higher rights), the eligibility requirements, the conditions for granting ...
was admittedasasolicitorofthe High Court before 1 January 2001 is required [...] 第187號法律公告的效力是,並非擔任主 管、且在2001年 1月 1 日之前獲認許為高等法院律師的律師,須於2006 年 11月 1日或該日前完成有關的風險管理教育訓練課程。
a solicitor in England having rights of audience before specified higher courts; a solicitor in Scotland having the right of audience before any of the higher courts. These individuals remain solicitors and are notADVOCATESnorBARRISTERSalthough carrying out the same functions in the spheres within whic...
The principal, Miss Lee graduated from the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand in 1981. She was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand in 1982 and entered on the Rolls of the Barristers and Solicitors of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capi...
Solicitor, High Court of Bombay 孟买高等法院,初级律师 MultiUn Finally, under pressure from one of the justices, the solicitor general had to admit: “I’d be hesitant to say you can have an outright ban on ringing doorbells or knocking.” 律政专员被某位法官的辞锋所逼,最后不得不说...