【总结solicitor和barrister的区别】:1.事务律师具提供法律经验,出庭律师拥有丰富的出庭应诉经验;2.事务律师处理日常法律事务,只能在基层法院代表当事人出庭;出庭律师则有资格享有在高等法院,包括高级法院、刑事法院、上诉法院及上议院出庭发言的权利;3.事务律师属于事务律师协会(Law Society of England and Wales...
Solicitor Typically part of a law firm and deals with public or private legal matters. She consulted her solicitor about starting a new business. 7 Barrister Represents clients in higher courts where expert advocacy is required. The barrister was admitted to argue before the Supreme Court. 7 Soli...
英国的律师职业可分为两类:出庭律师(barrister)和事务律师(solicitor)。 事务律师,英文为solicitor,事务律师的主要法律业务是为委托人提供有关诉讼或者非诉讼事务的1,法律咨询,2,制作法律文书,3,办理不动产产权的转移等。在刑事案件中,事务律师既可以接受犯罪嫌疑人或被告人的委托,或者接受法院的指定,担任辩护人,也可...
在英国则将律师分为出庭律师〔barrister; advocate〕和事务律师〔solicitor〕,而在美国对律师则不作分类...
事务律师、代诉人统一称为「最高法院的事务律师」〔solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature〕。
The meaning of BARRISTER is a counsel admitted to plead at the bar and undertake the public trial of causes in an English superior court.
Admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Singapore Attended the Summer Course at the University of Dundee Centre for Petroleum and Mineral Law Studies Admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand Associate Member of the Arbitrators’...
and the prosecutor of the relevant disciplinary hearing may be assisted by their respectivebarrister(s)orsolicitor(s). legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 如違紀人員由律師代表助辯 , 相關紀律聆訊的主審人員 / 審 裁小組及控方可各自由本身的 大律師 或律師 協助。