Heatmaps were clustered where necessary using complete-linkage hierarchical clustering on the values of the correlations. Predictive model An explicit predictive model of resistance and resilience (negative log-transformed Bray–Curtis dissimilarity of metagenome gene abundances in treatment from their ...
If the delineation is accurate, and if the variability of soil types is well captured by the map, then we can make the hypothesis that, under the same climate, vegetation and topography, traditional soil maps may help to map soil capability. However, when dealing with large areas most of ...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Soil Fertility Map for Food Legumes Production Areas in China received: 12 October 2015 accepted: 26 April 2016 Published: 23 May 2016 Ling Li1,*, Tao Yang2,*, Robert Redden3, Weifeng He1 & Xuxiao Zong2 Given the limited resources of ...
The Soil Map of Botswana shows three main soil units covering Chobe National Park, each corresponding broadly to one of the three main elephant habitats that include: ferralic arenosols, underlying the Baikiaea and mixed woodlands; calcic luvisols, forming the alluvial terraces that mostly support...
National Programme for the Control of Schistosomiasis and Intestinal Helminthiasis, Ministry of Public Health, Yaoundé, Cameroon Louis-Albert Tchuem-Tchuenté London Centre for Neglected Tropical Disease Research, London, UK Bonnie L. Webster Corresponding author Correspondence to J. Russell Stothard. ...
An automated methodology for differentiating rock from snow, clouds and sea in Antarctica from Landsat 8 imagery: a new rock outcrop map and area estimation for the entire Antarctic continent. Cryosphere. 2016;10:1665–77. Article Google Scholar Bockheim JG, Hall KJ. Permafrost, active-layer ...
The survey was performed at the end of the growing season in order to assess the cumulative effect of each insect herbivory type (Shimazaki and Miyashita 2002). To help elucidate possible causes of deer herbivory on S. palmata, subsequent changes to leaf traits and the effect of these trait ...
(2007) expanded the ion-selective sensing system to map simultaneously soil pH, residual nitrate (NO3−), and soluble potassium (K+) contents. They reported that besides the soil type, the soil/water ratio affected sensor performance the most. Adamchuk et al. (2007) compared soil pH maps...
Biochar application exhibits significant impacts under climates with mean annual temperature (MAT) < 15 °C and mean annual precipitation (MAP) between 500 and 1000 mm. Soils of coarse and fine texture, alkaline pH (SPH), soil total organic carbon (STC) content up to 10 g/kg, soil ...
We determined the soil properties and infiltration rates in 11 plots, including four soil types (Leptosol, Cambisol, Umbrisol and Regosol, according to the FAO criteria), under three different land uses (pine forest, oak forest and scrubland). The study was conducted in a Spanish Central Syst...