Map in a adapted from ref. 45, European Environment Agency CC BY 4.0. Full size image Prokaryotic, fungal and functional gene communities were strongly shaped by their origin (permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) R2 = 0.72, 0.74 and 0.68, respectively, for country and...
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SoilGrids, a global pH soil map, was recently updated (version 2.0, Poggio et al., 2021). The largest error in quantitative mapping of pH for a given site results among other error sources (e.g. spatial accuracy of location, measurement method, pedotransfer functions) from the spatial ...
Distance from coast and ocean for each sample point (the latter relevant in the presence of floating ice shelves) was obtained using Bedmap2 raster files in QGIS (Table S2). Elevation and distance from coast/ocean data were used only for analyses focused on mainland samples. All maps ...
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Soil mapping in Denmark has a long history and a series of soil maps based on conventional mapping approaches have been produced. In this study, a national soil map of Denmark was constructed based on the FAO–Unesco Revised Legend 1990 using digital soil mapping techniques, existing soil profil...
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