Hydrology and Earth System SciencesC. Gruhier et al., "Soil moisture active and passive microwave products: Intercomparison and evaluation over a Sahelian site," Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 141-156, 2010.C. Gruhier et al., "Soil moisture active and passive ...
SMAP(Soil Moisture Active and Passive)卫星数据下载 SMAP(Soil Moisture Active and Passive) 是美国的地球观测卫星之一,2015年1月31日发射升空。从名字就可以知道,SMAP主要为了观测土壤水分,并且有主动的传感器和被动的传感器。主动的传感器是L波段雷达,被动的传感器是L波段微波辐射计。计划中,雷达和辐射计各自生产3...
SMAP-3 0 -1 2 3 4 1 -2 -3 -4 5 -5 Change in Temperature [C] Change in Soil Moisture [%] 6 -6 0 -1 2 3 1 -2 -3 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California Soil Moisture Active-Passive 02/11/09 ...
数据下载 1. 点击进入网址:https://data.ceda.ac.uk/neodc/esacci/soil_moisture 2. 点击DATA栏进入产品选择 daily_files/ancillary 3. 点击daily_files进入选择ACTIVE/ PASSIVE/COMBINED 4. 点击ACTIVE进入后出现年份 5. 点击获取年份选择你想要获取的所在日数据,该数据也可通过FTP下载,点击下载界面中右上角小...
James Rachels:Active and Passive Euthanasia 热度: Spatial variability and patterns of surface soil moisture in a… 热度: SMAPCal/Val T.J.Jackson USDAARSHydrologyandRemoteSensingLab December11,2012 •SoilMoistureSatelliteMissions:Past,Presentand ...
The Soil Moisture Active and Passive Mission (SMAP): Science and Applications The soil moisture active and passive mission (SMAP) will provide global maps of soil moisture content and surface freeze/thaw state. Global measurements of... D Entekhabi,E Njoku,P O'Neill - IEEE Radar Conference 被...
Soil moisture estimation under a vegetation cover: Combined active passive microwave remote sensing approach. Int. J. Remote. Sens. 1997, 18, 1079-1097.Soil moisture estimation under a vegeta-tion cover:Combined active and passive microwave re-mote sensing approach. Chauhan N S. International ...
The validation of the soil moisture retrievals from the recently launched National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Soil Moisture Active/Passive (SMAP) satellite is important prior to their full public release. Uncertainty in attempts to characterize footprint-scale surface-layer soil moisture...
SoilMoistureActivePassive40SMAP41 系统标签: smapmoisturesoillandcoverpassiveancillary SoilMoistureActivePassive(SMAP) AncillaryDataReport LandcoverClassification Preliminary,v.1 SMAPScienceDocumentno.042 SeungbumKim JetPropulsionLaboratory CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology Pasadena,CA January11,2013 JPLD-53057 JetPropul...
The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission is one of the first Earth observation satellites being developed by NASA in response to the National Research Council's Decadal Survey. SMAP will make global measurements of the soil moisture present at the Earth's land surface and will distinguish...