The present invention discloses a soil behind retaining structures active and passive earth pressure damage simulation analyzer. 其外形为方形箱体,螺纹杆穿过固定套管并安装手轮,通过旋转顶撑传递轴向位移. Its shape is a square box, the threaded rod through the fixed casing and install the handwheel, ...
美 英 un.被动土压力 英汉 un. 1. 被动土压力
The problem of passive pile is commonly met in bridge,wharf and industrial factory engineering.Based on soil movement and stress transfer approach,soil pressure of passive piles is calculated considering soil arching effect at passive side of pile and active wedge model at active side of pile.In ...
: Dembicki, E; Odrobinski, W Proc 6th Budapest Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Budapest, 2–5 October 1984P477–P484. Publ Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1984Show moreShow less Choose an option to locate/access this article: Check if you have access through your login...
The variations of the passive earth pressure coefficient with the soil effective internal friction angle are investigated for different wall friction angles and seismic forces. The effect of the water seepage on the seismic passive earth pressure is also investigated....
关键词:位移效应;变位模式;非极限状态;土压力 中图分类号:TU432文献标识码:A Calculationandanalysisofunlimitedpassiveearthpressure ofcohesionlesssoilindifferentmovementmodes YANGTai-hua 1 ,GONGJian-wu 1 ,TANGBin 1 ,YUXiao 1 ,HEHuai-jian 2 (1.CollegeofUrbanConstruct,WuhanUniversityofScienceandTechnology,Wu...
1.1.1 Passive Strategies First, Then Active Passive building standards are a design optimization methodology on the path to zero energy. Three main certification criteria have to be met in succession: (1) Space conditioning maximum requirements—set to optimize the building enclosure according to clim...
aThe observed increase in the value of n during loading is partially due to the passive earth resistance of the soil, which is progressively mobilized to restrain the lateral dilatancy of the column. At the peak, the mobilized lateral earth pressure can be evaluated, assuming that the state of...
Arching involves stress transfer from yielding part of a soil to unyielding part of soil. Many authors considered arching action for active earth pressure as well as passive earth pressure but many of them have considered arching effect for co...
Some validation studies have been undertaken to demonstrate the suitability and to validate different samplers (high-volume active samplers vs. passive samplers), different sorbents (PUFs vs. XAD) or indoor vs. outdoor environments (Karásková et al., 2018). This paper presents the results from...