Soil and Environmental Health (SEH) is a new open access journal, sponsored by Zhejiang University, organized by the College of Environmental and Resource Sciences of Zhejiang University and published in cooperation with Elsevier. It...
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There was a significant crop × soil depth interaction for bulk density with bulk density lower beneath trees in the 0–30 cm layer and higher in the 30–50 cm layer. There was little evidence of carbon trapping of wind-blown organic detritus by tree plantations in the prairie environment. ...
This paper presents a new constitutive model that simulates the mechanical behavior of methane hydrate-bearing soil based on the concept of critical state soil mechanics, referred to as the "Methane Hydrate Critical State (MHCS) model". Methane hydrate-bearing soil is, under certain geological cond...
法人代表:陈丹 注册资本:-- 地域:成都 经营范围:房屋信息服务及咨询服务(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可展开经营活动)。 地址:成都市青白江区弥牟镇草市巷21号附202号 福清市玉屏小海板栗店 法人代表:侯海邦 注册资本:-- 地域:福州 经营范围:零售散装食品;(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后...
【例】a dusty road(尘土飞扬的道路) dustbin:['dʌstbɪn] n. 垃圾箱 【拆】dustbin=dust(灰尘)+bin(箱子)→垃圾箱 powder:[ˈpaʊdər] n.粉,粉末,火药vt.搽粉于 【源】古法语,源自拉丁语 【例】milk powder(奶粉),coco powder(可可粉)...
(MPs), which are defined as small plastic particles or fragments with size less than 5 mm. MPs are considered emerging contaminants that have a global occurrence. In recent years, attention to microplastic (MP) pollution in the ...
All soil samples were clustered into functional groups based on soil textural class and (calculated) activity of the clay minerals (9 classes), while samples from organic soils and allophanic soils were flagged. The digital set contains data for 131,472 samples, originating from 20,920 profiles...