2012. Soil drainage class, host tree species, and thinning influence host tree resistance to the spruce budworm. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42: 1771-1783.Fuentealba A, Bauce E´ (2012b) Soil drainage class, host tree species and thinning influence host tree resistance to the ...
Natural soil drainage classTypical depth to water table (cm)Uppermost horizon(s) in which redox features and gleying are typically observedOther characteristics Excessively drained >150 None Very coarse-textured soils Somewhat excessively drained >150 None Coarse-textured soils Well drained 100–...
Soil characteristics included in this study are gravel class (GRAVEL), soil drainage class (DRAINAGE), potential rooting depth (PRO) and profile total available water (PAW). Valuing the soil natural capital: a New Zealand case study He heads research at the ARS Soil Drainage Research Unit in ...
Drainage ClassWater RemovedRedoximorphic featuresWater table Height (m) Excessively drainedVery rapidNone>1.5 Somewhat excessively drained RapidNone>1.5 Well drained Readily not rapidlyBelow 1 m 1.0–1.5 Moderately well drained Somewhat slowly Below 0.5 m ...
backward drainage 逆向水系 barbed drainage pattern 倒刺状排水系统,倒钩水系,上游羽状水系 capillary drainage 毛细管导液法,毛细管引流法 相似单词 drainage n.[U] 1. 排水;放水 2. 排水系统 pre drainage 提早排水 drainage tube 【医】 引流管 soil n.[U,C] 1.土地,土壤 2.务农,种地,劳作 3....
Soil drainage class influences on soil carbon in a New England forested watershed. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 77:307-317. doi:10.2136/sssaj2012.0129Raymond JE, Fernandez IJ, Ohno T, Simon K (2012) Soil drainage class influences on soil carbon in a New England forested watershed. Soil Sci ...
STICi and components, when disaggregated by soil drainage class, were able to detect changes in direct indicators of soil structural quality, such as bulk density, total porosity, water holding capacity, water conductivity and visual soil assessment. STICi (Mi and, or Gi) were also related to...
The currency of the Flanders drainage class map was evaluated using data from two monitoring networks: one with good spatial coverage but poor temporal coverage and another with better temporal but poor spatial coverage. We combine both networks to obtain point expressions for mean highest (MHW) an...
5). This terrain attribute is a substitute measure of water flux in the landscape, since it shows the tendency of a site to be water saturated and the possible drainage systems of a watershed62. TWI has often been reported as a potential predictor in digital soil mapping56,63,64,65,66....
Firstly, a forward stepwise selection was applied to each land use type identified by ASTER image in order to derive an optimal subset of soil drainage class predictors. The classification models were then applied to these subsets for each land use and merged to obtain a digital soil drainage ...