Larger Testing 淘汰旧系统 版本管理工具 代码检索 Build系统 代码审阅工具 静态分析 依赖管理 大规模代码修改 CI/CD 谷歌的几万工程师在同一个代码库上能够高效开发,反映出它的软件工程实践有其过人之处。Software Engineering at Google这本书系统地介绍了谷歌的软件工程的最佳/独特的实践,值得学习借鉴。 软件工程 ...
I learned more about testing at Google in the last six months than I did my entire first two years, and Nooglers are now reading this book as part of their orientation. This isn’t the only book about how a big company tests software. I was at Microsoft when Alan Page, BJ Rollison... [5] Testing at the speed and scale of Google , Pooja Gupta, Mark Ivey, and John Penix, Google engineering tools blog, June 2011.
[5] /Testing at the speed and scale of Google/, Pooja Gupta, Mark Ivey, and John Penix, Google engineering tools blog, June 2011.http://google-engtools.blogsp... [6] /Building Software at Google Scale Tech Talk,/Michael Barnathan, Greg Estren, Pepper Lebeck-Jone, Google tech talk. ...
test it. Build some more and test some more.The key here is who is doing the testing. Since the number of actual dedicatedtesters at Google is so disproportionately low, the only possible answer has tobe the developer. Who better to do all that testing than the people doing theactual ...
38. How does load testing work for websites? Websites have software called a web server installed on the server. The user sends a request to the web server and receives a response. So, for instance, when you type the web server senses it and sends you the home page as...
You’re probably not finding the strong testing talent that you are looking for and you’re tired of looking at hundreds of resumes. We can help you and here’s how our software test engineers and QA managers make contribute value to your business every day. Learn More about Outsourced QA...
Software-Engineering-at-Google 《Software Engineering at Google》的中文翻译版本。 为什么翻译 目前GitHub 上并没有对《Software Engineering at Google》的中文翻译。加之本人的英语也不好,好不容易看了一遍,似有所有领悟,想要再看一遍的时候,发现满眼都是英文,实在是痛苦!
How Google TestsSoftware - Part Two In order for the “you buildit, you break it” motto to be real, there are roles beyond the traditionaldeveloper that are necessary. Specifically, engineering roles that enable developersto do testing efficiently and effectively have to exist. At Google we ...
This is the App Quality Alliance (AQuA) Testing Criteria for Android™ applications. A simple Android application will require the following tests to be carried out: 1. Install and Launch 1.1 OTA Install 1.2 Long launch time 1.3 Move to external memory (SD card) 1.4 Uninstall App 2. Memory...