How Google Tests Software 作者:James A. Whittaker/Jason Arbon/Jeff Carollo 出版社:Addison-Wesley Professional 出版年:2012-4-2 页数:320 定价:USD 37.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780321803023 豆瓣评分 8.3 80人评价 5星 37.5% 4星 43.8% 3星 17.5%...
针对这个现状,google的测试主管Patrick所做的并不是像一般组织那样搞人海战术,而是搞流程和工具。这点跟Lessons Learned in Software Testing所说的测试人员不要把自己当作过程改进人员完全相反。 为了把流程搞起来,Patrick 去弄了一个 CI 系统使得测试可以在每次check-in的时候做,让所有的SET(Software Engineer in Te...
本文是从How Google Tests Software - Part Two这篇文章翻译而来。本文作者James Whittaker,前微软架构师,是“How to Break Software”系列图书中好几部书的作者,现任Google测试工程主管,最近他写了一系列的关于谷歌如何测试软件的文章,本文为其系列的第二部分。 为了实现”谁的屁股谁自己擦”这句名言所说的那样,...
公司图书馆新进了一些书,冲着对GOOGLE测试的好奇,我挑选了《How Google Tests Software》这本书,本书主要讲述的是这些年GOOGLE测试变革的心路历程以及一些变革中的实例。看的过程中,结合在华为的工作经历,感触良多。GOOGLE作为全球互联网业界的老大,对比作为传统行业翘楚的华为,很多工作方式都是互通和重合的,但由于行...
Do you need to get it right, too? Then,learnfrom Google.Legendary testing expert James Whittaker, until recently a Google testing leader, and two top Google experts reveal exactly how Google tests software, offering brand-new best practices you can use even if you’re not quite Google’s si...
《How Google Tests Software》这本书在4月初已经在Amazon.com上开卖了。据一位看了这本书的一位曾经在Google工作的朋友说,这本书所写的内容和James在博客http://googletesting.blogspot.com上的连载文章内容基本是一致的,只不过书上的
Google's answer is to splitthe role. We solve this problem by having two types of testing roles at Googleto solve two very different testing problems. In my next post, I'll talk aboutthese roles and how we split the testing problem into two parts....
Praise for How Google Tests Software“James Whittaker has long had the pulse of the issues that are shapingtesting practice. In the decade of the Cloud Transformation, this book is amust read not just for Googlers, but for all testers who want their prac-tices to remain relevant, ...
How Google Tests Software How Google Tests Software评分: If you ship code in the cloud and want to build a strategy for ensuring a quality product with lots of happy customers, you must study and seriously consider the methods in this book.”...
How Google TestsSoftware - Part One 2016-10-10 13:59 −... 张老师的小黑屋 0 165 LeetCode 算法 Part 1 2019-12-08 12:10 −[toc] ## 1. 两数之和 ### 1. 题目 1. 两数之和 给定一个整数数组 nums 和一个目标值 target,请你在该数组中找出和为目标值的那 两个 整数,并返回他们的...