Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) in collaboration with Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) have jointly launched the Start-up Initiative, named “Building The Next Unicorn”. The initiative has be...
3. 请不要与任何人分享您的登录凭证。如注册人的姓名与申请存款的人的姓名不一致,STPI将不承担任何财务/信息不符的责任。4. 如登录时遇到任何问题,可联系或在周一至周五印度时间上午10点至下午6点之间致电。注意:目前退款只能退回给印度本土银行账户,请与当初负责预缴抽检费的合作机构联系 ...
最近制造商已陆续收到对应邮件(如下图),预缴过印度BIS认证的抽检费用的制造商可尽快进行退款申请。 STPI退费操作指引: 1. 请使用有效凭证登录。 如果需要,请使用忘记密码 2. 请填写退款申请表。 请注意: ①所提供的信息将是建立有关存款事宜沟通的关键。②必须PDF格式上传员工身份证扫描件以供核对。如果上传的员...
2,STPI将不再负责印度CRS认证抽检 最近制造商已陆续收到对应邮件(如下图),预缴过印度BIS认证的抽检费用的制造商可尽快进行退款申请。 STPI退费操作指引: 1. 请使用有效凭证登录。 如果需要,请使用忘记密码 2. 请填写退款申请表。 请注意: ①所提供的信息将是建立有关存款事宜沟通的关键。②必须PDF格式上传员工...
TheSTPmemberisrequiredtogetitspremisescustombonded,whetheritavailsofthebenefitsofCustomsDuty(Import)/ExciseDuty(Indigenous)exemptionornot.Atpresent,itismandatory. TheSTPunitmayapproachtheCustomsDepartmenttobondtheareawhereitisproposedtostartSTPoperations.UnitsoperatingundertheSTPschemerequireaprivatebondedwarehouselicense...
The I-T department slapped a notice on IBM alleging it had evaded tax under an export promotion scheme of Software Technology Parks of IndiaAnirban Sen
STPI Co-hosts 9th TiE Global Summit 2024, Signs Landmark MoUs with Intel, Bosch, Schneider Electric, and GIEEE Share: 🔊 Take a moment and listen Bengaluru, 14 December 2024: The Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) proudly co-hosted the prestigious 9th edition of the TiE Global ...
Software companies are in a quandary whether they should setup new software units within a Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) or a Special Economic Zone. Companies in the IT sector enjoyed tax benefits within the STPI scheme, which ended in 2009 and SEZ promised the advantage of ...
As a common location for outsourcing, especially in the realm of information technology, India has had a presence since the 1990s. The country has a massive pool of highly skilled people and offers attractive pricing. Thailand is another selection that is admired amongst countries in Asia for so...
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