Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) in collaboration with Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) have jointly launched the Start-up Initiative, named “Building The Next Unicorn”. The initiative has be...
3. 请不要与任何人分享您的登录凭证。如注册人的姓名与申请存款的人的姓名不一致,STPI将不承担任何财务/信息不符的责任。4. 如登录时遇到任何问题,可联系或在周一至周五印度时间上午10点至下午6点之间致电。注意:目前退款只能退回给印度本土银行账户,请与当初负责预缴抽检费的合作机构联系 ...
最近制造商已陆续收到对应邮件(如下图),预缴过印度BIS认证的抽检费用的制造商可尽快进行退款申请。 STPI退费操作指引: 1. 请使用有效凭证登录。 如果需要,请使用忘记密码 2. 请填写退款申请表。 请注意: ①所提供的信息将是建立有关存款事宜沟通的关键。②必须PDF格式上传员工身份证扫描件以供核对。如果上传的员...
2,STPI将不再负责印度CRS认证抽检 最近制造商已陆续收到对应邮件(如下图),预缴过印度BIS认证的抽检费用的制造商可尽快进行退款申请。 STPI退费操作指引: 1. 请使用有效凭证登录。 如果需要,请使用忘记密码 2. 请填写退款申请表。 请注意: ①所提供的信息将是建立有关存款事宜沟通的关键。②必须PDF格式上传员工...
After obtaining private bonded warehousing license from customs, a copy of the same should be forwarded to STPI-Mumbai immediately. Note: Standard formats are available on Prior Permission from STPI to be obtained in the following cases: ...
We use an overabundance of software development methods such as Scrum, Scrum ban, and Scaled Agile Framework, depending on the demand of the project. Would you like to know more? Leave us a message CONTACTINFO Software Technology Parks of India, MNNIT Campus, Lucknow Road, Teliarganj, Praya...
Software Technology Parks of India, MNNIT Campus, Lucknow Road, Teliarganj, Prayagraj Uttar Pradesh, Pin-211004 (INDIA). +91-532-2400505 +91-8299-812988 969-G Edgewater Blvd,Suite 793 Foster City-94404, CA (USA) +1-650-242-0133 Direct Navigation ...
hacker- a programmer for whom computing is its own reward; may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers but does no harm; "true hackers subscribe to a code of ethics and look down upon crackers" cyberpunk,cyber-terrorist,hacker- a programmer who breaks into computer systems in or...
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