接着就是编程软件了 arduino IDE的编程软件直接从官网上下载就可以,直接在浏览器网址栏搜索www.arduino.cc 即可进入Arduino的官网,点击Softwaer中的Downloads(资料下载)就可以找到IDE软件 官网主页 Arduino IDE可以在Windows、Macintosh OS X、Linux三大主流操作系统上运行 官方给准备了线上(网页)版本和线下版本 网页版 ...
Upload(上传),将编译后的程序文件上传到Arduino板中。 Serial Monitor(串口监视窗),可监视开发环境使用的串口收发的数据。 接下来通过一个Arduino开发环境中LED灯闪烁的例子(Blink)来简单应用一下这些按钮。在Arduino Uno板的13号引脚上已经带了一个LED灯,Blink程序就是控制这个LED灯闪烁。点击file菜单下EXAMPLES--011...
SoftwareSerial Library 现有的Arduino硬件支持引脚0和1(通过USB连接到到电脑)进行串行通信。串行通过一个称为 UART 的硬件(芯片内置)进行。这个硬件允许ATMEGA芯片接收串行通信,即使芯片在进行其他工作,只要有64个字节的串行缓冲器的储存空间即可。 使用软件的串口功能(因此称为“SoftwareSerial”,即“软串口”),现有的...
A Duct Systems library has been add to theComponent libraryin the Professional EES license to provide the pressure loss for flow through ducts, bends, expansions, contractions, branches, and dampers. Dimensionless resistance coefficients for these components have also been added to theMinor Losseslibra...
The standard I2C library for the Arduino is theWire Library. While this library is sufficient most of the time when you want to communicate with devices, there are situations when it is not applicable: the I2C pins SDA/SCL are in use already for other purposes, ...
Software Serial Library 使能数字引脚上的串行通信,更多的信息参考the Reference for the Software Serial Library page。适用于所有Arduino板,除了Arduino DUE。 Software Serial Example: 使用这个库…因为有时一个串行端口是不够的! Two Port Receive: 和多个软件串口工作。
Implementation of the Arduino software serial library for the ESP8266 / ESP32 family This fork implements interrupt service routine best practice. In the receive interrupt, instead of blocking for whole bytes at a time - voiding any near-realtime behavior of the CPU - only level change and tim...
Download Request MOTIX™ BTM90xxEP Arduino Shield Application Software This application software targets the Traveo™ CYTVII-B-E-1M-SK and MOTIX™ MOTIX™ BTM901x/902x Arduino Shield V2.0. It enables a user to work with the BTM9020 and BTM9021 that are mounted on the MOTIX™ BTM9...
Based on IRSend demo from ken Shirriffs library - this sends simple commands to a RoboSapien V1 using and IR Transmitter with Arduino */ #include <IRremote.h> IRsend irsend; IRrecv irrecv(11); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600);
本文是迁移一年半前我在https://github.com/junhuanchen/esp-idf-software-serial项目下写下的记录。 ESP-IDF SoftWare Serial 基于该项目 Github ArduinoEsp32-SoftwareSerial。 花了点时间写了一下软串口,因为娱乐和工程需要,所以我从过去自己在 Arduino 上实现的软串口移植到 ESP-IDF 下,为此也写一周了吧,使...