Anything but “ok” after themakecommand has been completed would mean there was an error during the build process. As we ran a parallel build because of the-joption, it is not always easy to retrieve the error message given the large volume of output produced by the build system. In th...
The Vision Assistant can also be used to test the algorithms before compiling and running it on the target hardware while easily accessing throughput and resource utilization information. Back to top Integration with Other Devices If you have ever completed a vision application, then you know ...
ModelSim simulates behavioral, RTL and gate-level code, delivering increased design quality and debug productivity.
A popular use of lifecycle hooks is to control when instances are registered with Elastic Load Balancing. By adding a launch lifecycle hook to your Auto Scaling group, you can ensure that your bootstrap scripts have completed successfully and the applications on the instances are ready to accept...
1.2.4 Getting started with client systems InfoPrint Manager GUI software Using the basic view of the GUI Installing the Operations GUI Installing the Administration GUI on Windows Starting the Administration and Operations GUIs on W...
GNSS-SDR in embedded platforms: we provide a Software Development Kit (SDK) based on OpenEmbedded for cross-compiling GNSS-SDR in your desktop computer and for producing executables that can run in embedded platforms, such as Xilinx's Zynq and ZynqMP architectures, Raspberry Pi, and many others...
modify and copy the Licensed Software for Designated Users specified in the License Certificate for the sole purposes of: (i) designing, developing, and testing Application(s); (ii) modifying the Licensed Software as limited by section 8 below; and (iii) compiling the Licensed Software and/or...
To get down to details, consider the following HR software features when compiling your HR system requirements checklist. 1. Cloud based vs. on premises Most new HR systems are cloud based. The software is hosted by the vendor, and employee access to the application and data is available ...
If you encounter a SyntaxError you absolutely most certainly have picked the wrong interpreter for the program you are compiling. Nuitka has a --help option to output what it can do: nuitka --help The nuitka-run command is the same as nuitka, but with a different default. It tries to c...
When you have completed this step, you should have a diagram of the hierarchy with all the groups labeled, as well as an understanding of how each group is used. It is usually easier to draw a diagram of your hierarchy, to help you visualize what the hierarchy looks like. The following...