补充知识:vue项目运行报错:94% asset optimization ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors13:03:01 error in ./src/ba 使用vue编写的前端项目运行报错: 88% hashing 89% module assets processing 90% chunk assets processing 94% asset optimization ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors13:03:01 error in...
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 16:51:50 Failed to resolve loader: sass-loader You may need to install it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 原因分析 在Vue项目中启用了ESlint代码检查,在检查范围内有组件或者资源引用时将路径写错了导致的结果。 解决办法 检查引用资源的路径的正确性。
你可能出现过这种问题,没有直接忽视; ERROR Failed to compile with17errors16:27:36errorin./node_modules/vant/es/nav-bar/index.css Module build failed (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):Error:Loading PostCSS Plugin failed: Cannot find module'postcss-pxtorem'(@C:\Users\1234Wu\De...
解决vue安装less报错Failedtocompilewith1errors的问题 1、创建vue项⽬后安装less,执⾏ npm install less less-loader --save-dev 下载版本为:less-loader@6.1.0 , less@3.11.3,重启服务报错,报错信息如下:2、报错原因 less 本版太⾼需要降低版本,执⾏代码 先移除之前版本:npm uninstall less-...
Vue 项目中,引用vue组件,该组件是发布成npm包引入的,组件的目录结构和项目的目录结构相似。 报错因素 组件中 某段js代码 import(`@/assets/css/theme-variable-${this.theme}.scss`) 编译报错: ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors 报错原因: 项目结构中没有 @/assets/css 文件,编译时找不到改目录,导致...
针对您遇到的 "error failed to compile with 1 error" 问题,这里有几个可能的解决步骤,您可以根据这些步骤逐一排查和解决问题: 1. 查看编译错误信息 首先,您需要仔细查看编译过程中输出的错误信息。错误信息通常会指出是哪个文件、哪一行代码或哪个配置出了问题。例如,错误信息可能类似于: bash ERROR in ./src/...
ERROR Failed to compile with 4 errors 4:17:31 PM error in ./resources/js/components/TooltipContent.vue Syntax Error: Unexpected token (14:6) 12 | render(h) { 13 | return ( > 14 | @ ./resources/js/components/TooltipContent.vue 4:21-367 @ ./...
补充知识:vue项目运行报错:94% asset optimization ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors13:03:01 error in ./src/ba 使用vue编写的前端项目运行报错: 88% hashing 89% module assets processing 90% chunk assets processing 94% asset optimization ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors13:03:01 ...
install a vue-cli project with the webpack template run yarn install What is expected? project should compile and server should serve files What is actually happening? compilation is failing for some reason always at 94% I'm using a docker node container to run the development project in. ...