Softness Factor: The softness factor of power diodes is the ratio of charge removal times from the semiconductor and depletion regions, indicating voltage transients upon turn-off. What is a Power Diode? A power diode is defined as adiodeused in power electronics circuits, capable of handling hi...
There is a new way of increasing the softness of reverse recovery (S-factor) of high-voltage p-p-n-n-ndiode using local reduction of life time in n part of layer adjacent to n. Experimentally proved the possibility to reach S-factor above 2 for high-voltage diodes (Vbr ∼ 4500–480...
As a result, guidelines emerge for the design of the snubberless diode with optimum trade-off between switching speed and softness. It is also suggested that, for complete diode characterization, the well-known softness factor be accompanied by the snap-off voltage, i.e. the peak reverse ...
The influence of radiation damage of lifetime in layers of the fast diode on power losses and recovery softness of this device is investigated for electron and proton irradiation. This research is carried out experimentally and by methods of computer modeling. Object of research was the free ...