Traditional Italian Soffritto Recipe What Is Italian Soffritto? Soffritto is an aromatic flavor base composed of sauteed carrots, celery, and onion that forms the foundation of many soups (like minestrone), stews, pasta sauces, and braises throughout Italian cuisine. Soffritto is sometimes called bat...
蛤蜊、青口等贝壳类海鲜都可以拿来这么做。 白酒蛤蜊 Clams Marinières with SoffrittoRecipe from Bouchon by Thomas Keller材料:2 1/2磅蛤蜊 ¼ 杯橄榄油 1/3杯红葱头 2tbsp百里香 24瓣油封大蒜Garlic Confit 1/4杯Soffritto 盐和白胡椒粉 4tbsp无盐黄油 1杯干白,比如Sauvignon Blanc 2tbsp欧芹 压碎的黑胡椒...
隔日做好soffritto,熬好大蒜,将蛤蜊吐沙干净,上桌前只要三五分钟。不放糖,用蔬菜自然的清甜,带出海鲜的鲜甜。 蛤蜊、青口等贝壳类海鲜都可以拿来这么做。 白酒蛤蜊 Clams Marinières with Soffritto Recipe from Bouchon by Thomas Keller 材料 2 1/2磅蛤蜊 ¼ 杯橄榄油 1/3杯红葱头 2tbsp百里香 24瓣油封大...