This paper describes the considerationsthat make certain fuel types attractive for current fastreactor applications. Much of the review content is foundin other sources (References 1 - 4), however, this workupdates those treatments of the topic with consideration ofcurrent applications.Douglas C. ...
These significant improvements along with the demonstrated viability for seamless cladding production indicate that this alloy is a compelling and viable choice for sodium fast reactor fuel cladding applications.doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2019.151928D.T. Hoelzer a...
Ko, Y.H. Lee, Economic viability of metallic sodium-cooled fast reactor fuel in Korea, Sci. Technol. Nucl. Installations 2013 (2013) 1e10.S. K. Kim, W. Il. Ko and Y.H. Lee, "Economic Viability of Metallic Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Fuel in Korea," Science and Technology of ...
Metal FuelTRU FuelFerritic-Martensitic SteelSFRIrradiation testPyro-electrochemicalSpent FuelMetal fuel is being developed for the prototype generation-IV sodium-cooled fast reactor (PGSFR) to be built by 2028. U–Zr fuel is a driver for the initial core of the PGSFR, and U–transuranics (TRU...
The choice of a FHS impacts directly on the general design of the reactor vessel (primary vessel, storage, and final cooling before going to reprocessing), its construction cost, and its availability factor. Fuel handling design must take into account various items and in particular operating ...
Using the Advanced Burner Test Reactor (ABTR) concept developed by the Argonne National Laboratory as a reference system, it is shown that the use of annular fuel is particularly beneficial in low-conversion cores (burners), as it can reduce the fuel temperature rise by over 90% and the ...
Centre for Atomic Research for the development of advanced materials for sodium cooled fast reactors towards extending the life of reactors to nearly 100 years and the burnup of fuel to 2,00,000 MWd/t with an objective of providing fast reactor electricity at an affordable and competitive price...
Adventitious-fuel-pin-failures (AFPFs) have been considered to be the most dominant initiators of LFs in these PRAs because of their high frequency of occurrence during reactor operation and possibility of fuel-element-failure-propagation (FEFP). A PRA on FEFP from AFPF (FEFPA) in the ...
levels, the range of applicability of each level of resolution is being evaluated through benchmark comparisons between the developed codes and the commercial RANS-bases CFD code Star-CD, beginning with simulations of the fueled region of a single wire-wrapped sodium-cooled fast reactor fuel ...
Centre for Atomic Research for the development of advanced materials for sodium cooled fast reactors towards extending the life of reactors to nearly 100 years and the burnup of fuel to 2,00,000 MWd/t with an objective of providing fast reactor electricity at an affordable and competitive price...