water cooled reactor 水冷堆,水冷反应堆 dust cooled reactor 气流粉尘冷却反应堆 相似单词 gas cooled reactor 气冷反应堆 FAST =Facility for Automatic Sorting and Testing 自动分类与测试设备 fast adj. 1. 快的,迅速的,迅捷的 2. 紧紧的,牢固的 3. 迅速发生的;立即发生的 4. 动作迅速的;头脑灵活...
网络钠冷快堆 网络释义 1. 钠冷快堆 机械专业英语词汇... ...sodium cooled fast reactor钠冷快[中子反应]堆sodium cooled reactor 钠冷反应堆,钠冷[中子]堆 ... www.mapeng.net|基于7个网页 例句
fast neutronsBased on the operational experience of the experimental fast reactor BR-5, the prototype of a full-scale fast-reactor power station of 350 Mwe and 1000 Mwt is being designed. Fuel elements are stainless steel tubes filled with uranium and plutonium dioxides, ribbed for spacing, ...
sodium-cooled fast reactor 英文sodium-cooled fast reactor 中文【化】 钠冷快堆 Sodium fast reactor The sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) is a reactor that, as the name implies, uses sodium as a refrigerant. This type of refrigerant is commonly used in fast reactors, as a result of its proper operation in the experimental breeder reactor I (EBR-1), which wo...
1) sodium cooled fast reactor 钠冷快[中子反应]堆 2) Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor 钠冷快中子反应堆 3) LMFBR 钠冷快堆 1. 3-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Sodium Spray Fire Accidents inLMFBRs; 钠冷快堆钠雾火事故三维数值模拟 4) sodium cooling ...
Centre for Atomic Research for the development of advanced materials for sodium cooled fast reactors towards extending the life of reactors to nearly 100 years and the burnup of fuel to 2,00,000 MWd/t with an objective of providing fast reactor electricity at an affordable and competitive price...
分享到: 【化】 钠冷快堆 分类: 化学化工|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 分享到:
Metal fuel is being developed for the prototype generation-IV sodium-cooled fast reactor (PGSFR) to be built by 2028. U–Zr fuel is a driver for the initial core of the PGSFR, and U–transuranics (TRU)–Zr fuel will gradually replace U–Zr fuel through its qualification in the PGSFR...
Natrium technology features a 345 MWe sodium-cooled fast reactor using high-assay low-enriched uranium fuel, with a molten salt-based energy storage system that can boost the system’s output to 500 MWe for more than five and a half hours when needed. TerraPower plans to build the Natrium ...