fast neutronsBased on the operational experience of the experimental fast reactor BR-5, the prototype of a full-scale fast-reactor power station of 350 Mwe and 1000 Mwt is being designed. Fuel elements are stainless steel tubes filled with uranium and plutonium dioxides, ribbed for spacing, ...
The best known is the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). Many reactors of this type have been built, and a great amount of experience feedback exists for it, making it possible to improve its design, in particular with regard to safety and simplicity. The latest design of this reactor is...
Fast reactorsNuclear power plantsSodiumThe definitions and requirements of normative documents for unanticipated accidents at nuclear power plants with fast reactors are analyzed. Definitions are constructed between one another and with a collection of scenarios which can lead to unanticipated accidents, ...
Natrium technology features a 345 MWe sodium-cooled fast reactor using high-assay low-enriched uranium fuel, with a molten salt-based energy storage system that can boost the system’s output to 500 MWe for more than five and a half hours when needed. TerraPower plans to build the Natrium d...
International experience with safety and reliability of sodium-cooled reactors. 钠冷堆安全和可靠性的国际经验…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 3. Sodium Pool Fire Analysis of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor by Calculation 钠冷快堆中池式钠火的计算分析 4. Sodium Spray Fire ...
钠冷快堆发展综述 development status of sodium cooled fast reactor.pdf,摘要:作为第4代核电堆型之一的钠冷快堆,能更有效地利用铀资源并能嬗变长寿命放射性废物,因此得到了世界各国 的重视。本文介绍了国际上钠冷快堆的发展规划以及钠冷快堆的安全性和运行情况。 关键
The elimination of the intermediate heat transfer system (IHTS) in the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) has long been a goal among researchers, who have extensively developed concepts for simplifying, replacing, or eliminating the IHTS. One such concept involves an integrated steam generator with...
Chal- lenges and innovative technologies on fuel handling sys- tems for future sodium cooled fast reactors. Proceed- ings of the International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles, Challenges and Opportuni- ties, FR09, IAEA-CN-176; December 7-11, FR09; 2009; Kyoto (Japan)....
Liquid Metal Coolants for Fast Reactors Cooled by Sodium Lead… 热度: Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor A Historical Overview and Future Outlook 热度: Development of Remote Decontamination Technology in the Reactor 热度: JournalofEnergyandPowerEngineering6(2012)1379-1397 ...
Centre for Atomic Research for the development of advanced materials for sodium cooled fast reactors towards extending the life of reactors to nearly 100 years and the burnup of fuel to 2,00,000 MWd/t with an objective of providing fast reactor electricity at an affordable and competitive price...