You can find more information and order the board or kit on MYiR TechRico Board product page. The kit sells for $139, and you’ll need to add $99 for the 7″ touchscreen display. Z-Turn Board MYS-XC7010 / MYS-XC7020 boards specifications: SoC – X...
I too use my zoom lens for close-up photos and have never owned a macro – no need. Holding your breath is good advice for shooting a crisp shot, especially if you’re like me and don’t like carrying around a tripod. I find that a fence post works well too! Liked by 3 people ...
First thing I’d do is record their conversation on my phone.Don’t let them know you’re recording it.The next time they have one of those conversations tell them that you find it offensive and ask them to stop it.If they refuse or give you a hard time, tell them that you have a...
Free Essay: Intro: “Nothing Gold Can Stay Gold”, As Johnny laid on the gurney breathing his last breath. Socs and Greasers how the rivals hate each other,...
This study aims to find prognostic genes and compare their expression and methylation status as potential biomarkers in patients with serrated sessile adenomas/polyps (SSAP) and CRC, in order to evaluate which, one is a better predictor of disease.#This study employed a multi-phase approach to ...
“Thank you very much for your instructive and enjoyable session…I learned a good deal that is relevant and important and hope I shall find the focus and self-discipline to practise what you preach.” Andrew Baillie QC, 9 Gough Square, London. ...