会议初始,郑义先生便对Apple Find My Network解决方案进行了概览,Nordic的SoC通常是作为一个防丢器来使用,具体工作原理可理解为Nordic SoC通过Bluetooth LE 连接Find My Network,Find My把当前防丢器信息上传至APP的云端,再下发给防丢器所有者的iOS设备,来达到寻物的作用。Nordic的Find My Network SDK主要在自有...
会议初始,郑义先生便对Apple Find My Network解决方案进行了概览,Nordic的SoC通常是作为一个防丢器来使用,具体工作原理可理解为Nordic SoC通过Bluetooth LE 连接Find My Network,Find My把当前防丢器信息上传至APP的云端,再下发给防丢器所有者的iOS设备,来达到寻物的作用。 Nordic的Find My Network SDK主要在自有的...
会议初始,郑义先生便对Apple Find My Network解决方案进行了概览,Nordic的SoC通常是作为一个防丢器来使用,具体工作原理可理解为Nordic SoC通过Bluetooth LE 连接Find My Network,Find My把当前防丢器信息上传至APP的云端,再下发给防丢器所有者的iOS设备,来达到寻物的作用。 Nordic的Find My Network SDK主要在自有的...
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The sms I received is legit, same thread where I do get my Apple ID verification code. Im well aware of not giving any password, thanks for your concern 🙏🏻 and I also have a habit verifying links before opening them. Not looking forward on retrieving the iPhone but more on blocking...
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OS Windows Operating System version Windows 11 Visual Studio Code version 1.81.1 ESP-IDF version 4.4.5 Python version 3.8.7 Doctor command output --- ESP-IDF Extension for Visual Studio Code rep...
I ran into the following code in an old exam of the C course I'm taking: I have no idea what the syntax "char q1:1" means, and I haven't been able to find it anywhere in "The C Programm... DI with constructor injection: Am I injecting too many services?