npm install stompjs --save importSockJSfrom'sockjs-client';importStompfrom'stompjs';letstompClientfunctioncreateWS(_this){consturl=xxxif(!stompClient){constsocket=newSockJS(url)// socket.readyState socket的连接状态// socket 也提供了send close等等方法可以在SockJS的库文件中找到stompClient=Stomp.over...
// 建立连接对象 this.socket = new SockJS('http://xxxxxx:8089/ws');//连接服务端提供的通信接口,连接以后才可以订阅广播消息和个人消息 // 获取STOMP子协议的客户端对象 this.stompClient = Stomp.over(this.socket); // 定义客户端的认证信息,按需求配置 var headers = { login: 'mylogin', passcode...
import SockClient from 'sockjs-client' const Stomp = require('@stomp/stompjs') // 方法 createStompClient() { const that = this const ws = new SockClient(`/socket/api/socket-mq?access_token=${getToken()}`) this.stompClient = Stomp.Stomp.over(ws) // 订阅连接完成事件 this.stompClient...
代码分析 我们回到本地复现中的client.js代码中,下面我们分析一下在sock.send之后到底发生了啥? node_modules/sockjs-client/lib/main.js:155 SockJS.prototype.send=function(data){// #13 - convert anything non-string to string// TODO this currently turns objects into [object Object]if(typeofdata!==...
克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支4 标签34 Bryce Kahle1.1.21d48f438年前 838 次提交 提交 dist 1.1.2 8年前 lib 1.1.2 8年前 tests Apparently this detection does not work on travis ...
WebSocket emulation - Javascript client. Contribute to wei355300/sockjs-client development by creating an account on GitHub.
ws://localhost:8081/echo/websocket You can connect any WebSocket RFC 6455 compliant WebSocket client to this url. This can be a command line client, external application, third party code or even a browser (though I don't know why you would want to do so). ...
ws://localhost:8081/echo/websocket You can connect any WebSocket RFC 6455 compliant WebSocket client to this url. This can be a command line client, external application, third party code or even a browser (though I don't know why you would want to do so). Deployment You should use a...
ws://localhost:8081/echo/websocket You can connect any WebSocket RFC 6455 compliant WebSocket client to this url. This can be a command line client, external application, third party code or even a browser (though I don't know why you would want to do so). ...
ws://localhost:8081/echo/websocket You can connect any WebSocket RFC 6455 compliant WebSocket client to this url. This can be a command line client, external application, third party code or even a browser (though I don't know why you would want to do so). Deployment You should use a...