stomp是一个用于client之间进行异步消息传输的简单文本协议. 2、在vue中的使用 npm 安装 npm install sockjs-client --save npm install stompjs --save importSockJSfrom'sockjs-client';importStompfrom'stompjs';letstompClientfunctioncreateWS(_this){consturl=xxxif(!stompClient){constsocket=newSockJS(url)//...
import SockClient from 'sockjs-client' const Stomp = require('@stomp/stompjs') // 方法 createStompClient() { const that = this const ws
ws://localhost:8081/echo/websocket You can connect any WebSocket RFC 6455 compliant WebSocket client to this url. This can be a command line client, external application, third party code or even a browser (though I don't know why you would want to do so). ...
client.js constSockJS=require('sockjs-client')constfs=require('fs')constpath=require('path')constfileName=path.resolve(__dirname,'large.log');letsock=newSockJS('',null,{transports:'websocket'});letno=0;letreadStream;sock.onopen=function(){console.log('open');...
ws://localhost:8081/echo/websocket You can connect any WebSocket RFC 6455 compliant WebSocket client to this url. This can be a command line client, external application, third party code or even a browser (though I don't know why you would want to do so). ...
sockjs-client是从SockJS中分离出来的用于客户端使用的通信模块.所以我们就直接来看看SockJS. SockJS是一个浏览器的JavaScript库,它提供了一个类似于网络的对象,SockJS提供了一个连贯的,跨浏览器的JavaScriptAPI,它在浏览器和Web服务器之间创建了一个低延迟,全双工,跨域通信通道. 你可能会问,我为什么不直接用原生的Web...
(''); this.stompClient = Stomp.over(socket); let headers = { Authorization:'' } this.stompClient.connect(headers,() => { this.stompClient.subscribe('/topic/public', (msg) => { console.log('广播成功') console.log(msg); },headers); this.stompClient.send...
Hi when using sockjs the client try to use ws instead of wss and after this it is fallback to xhr. XHR finished loading: GET "". WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Connection closed before rec...
每个sockJS 都有session_id,可通过它来判断是否同一个用户建立了2个ws,如多端登录的情况下,可用于进行多端剔除。 03 sockJS readyState(暂时没用到。。) 【sockjs-client 部分源码】: SockJS.CONNECTING = 0; SockJS.OPEN = 1; SockJS.CLOSING = 2; ...
ws://localhost:8081/echo/websocket You can connect any WebSocket RFC 6455 compliant WebSocket client to this url. This can be a command line client, external application, third party code or even a browser (though I don't know why you would want to do so). ...