varsock =newSockJS('',null, {transports: ['xhr-streaming','iframe-eventsource','xhr-polling']}); 跨域问题:对于跨域问题,可以通过设置CORS(跨源资源共享)来解决。确保服务器端正确配置了CORS头信息。 Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * 降级策略:如果所有传输方式都失败,可以...
First, you need to load SockJS JavaScript library, for example you can put that in your http head: After the script is loaded you can establish a connection with the SockJS server. Here's a simple example: var sock = new SockJS(''); sock....
First, you need to load SockJS JavaScript library, for example you can put that in your http head: After the script is loaded you can establish a connection with the SockJS server. Here's a simple example: var sock = new SockJS(''); sock....
After the script is loaded you can establish a connection with the SockJS server. Here's a simple example: varsock =newSockJS(''); sock.onopen =function(){console.log('open'); }; sock.onmessage =function(e){console.log('message',; }; sock....
SockJS is intended to work for all modern browsers and in environments which don't support the WebSocket protocol -- for example, behind restrictive corporate proxies. SockJS-client does require a server counterpart: SockJS-node is a SockJS server for Node.js. Philosophy: The API should follow ...
First, you need to load the SockJS JavaScript library. For example, you can put that in your HTML head:After the script is loaded you can establish a connection with the SockJS server. Here's a simple example:var sock = new SockJS(''); sock.onopen = f...
First, you need to load the SockJS JavaScript library. For example, you can put that in your HTML head: After the script is loaded you can establish a connection with the SockJS server. Here's a simple example: varsock=newSockJS('');sock.onopen=function...
For example: For server-side deployment tricks, especially about load balancing and session stickiness, take a look at the SockJS-node readme. Development and testing SockJS-client needs node.js for running a test server and JavaScript minification. If you want to work on SockJS-client source...
Update example CDN url - #244 1.0.0 Simplify url handling by delegating tourl-parse- #242 Upgrade tourl-parse1.0.1 to fix colon issue if auth has no password 1.0.0-beta.13 Transport timeout on connection should fallback - #238
const socket = new SockJS(''); 请将''替换为你的SockJS服务器实际的端点URL。 测试Socket连接是否正常工作: 你可以通过监听SockJS实例的onopen、onmessage、onclose和onerror事件来测试连接是否正常工作。以下是一个完整的示例: javascript...