Socket.h,Socket.cpp– Socket类,实现的原生的socket API调用。 SocketException.h- SocketException 类 Server: simple_server_main.cpp– 主文件 ServerSocket.h,ServerSocket.cpp- ServerSocket 类 Client: simple_client_main.cpp– 主文件 ClientSocket.h,ClientSocket.cpp- ClientSocket 4.2编译和测试 编译简单。
For example, a network administrator might use his local machine to start a Web server on one system and use a remote access program on another. These programs would run from computers other than the localhost.In the example above, the two non-local computers must be defined by their IP ad...
2.Client.h Client.cpp :客户端类的实现 3.Server.h Server.cpp : 服务端类的实现 4.ClientMain.cpp ServerMain.cpp 客户端及服务端的主函数。 七:代码实现 Common.h 定义一些共用的宏定义,包括一些共用的网络编程相关头文件。 1)定义一个函数将文件描述符fd添加到epfd表示的内核事件表中供客户端和服务端两...
等待客户端连接// SOCKET accept( SOCKET s, struct sockaddr* addr, int* addrlen);// 第一个参数,接收一个处于监听状态下的套接字// 第二个参数,sockaddr用于保存客户端地址的信息// 第三个参数,用于指定这个地址的长度// 返回的是向与这个监听状态下的套接字通信的套接字SOCKETsockConn=accept(sockSrv,...
```csharp using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] public struct MyStruct { public int intValue; public float floatValue; } class Program { static void Main() { MyStruct myData = new My...
src/main.cpp #include<thread>#include<chrono>#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<netinet/in.h>#include<arpa/inet.h>#include<ncurses.h>#include"interface/interface.h"#include"server/server.h"#include"client/client.h"voidCreate(in_addr_taddr,in_port_tport, Server*& server, Client*& ...
The library will be found under C:\Users\Amine\Documents\Work\PROJECTS\GitHub\socket-cpp\build\lib\Release\socket.lib After building a program using "socket.lib", do not forget to copy OpenSSL DLLs in the directory where the program binary is located. For example, in the build directory (...
socket-program\ 14.udp\ udpClient.c 运行 执行 /.udpClient */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> ...
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt. 0x00007ffff72f130d in send () from /lib64/ (gdb) bt #0 0x00007ffff72f130d in send () from /lib64/ #1 0x0000000000400b46 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe598) at blocking_client.cpp:41 ...
开发者ID:raf924,项目名称:iniTunes,代码行数:31,代码来源:main.cpp 示例2: ipcSendCommandLine ▲点赞 7▼ /// Sending to the server is done synchronously, at startup.// If the server isn't already running, startup continues,// and the items in savedPaymentRequest will be handled// when...