trouble connecting to server I am trying to reset an old iPhone to give to my brother, but every time I type in my password it keeps saying cannot connect to apple server. I am not sure what to do 4 years ago 382 1 Log into apple mini problems Log into apple mini problem Can’...
std::cout << "connect to server successfully." << std::endl; close(clientfd); return 0; } else if (ret == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) { //connect 动作被信号中断,重试connect std::cout << "connecting interruptted by signal, try again." << std::endl; continue; } else if (e...
mongodb使用mongo报错: Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed: SocketException: Error connecting to :: caused by :: 在windows下命令台输入mongo报一下错误: D:\Progra... Opening socket connection to server<unresolved>:2181.Will not...
Can't connect to postgresql database 5 1394 December 15, 2022 Stuck at Postgres database error + error in sync? 3 586 December 31, 2022 Failed connection to the server PGSQL.5432 when running sidekiq job 5 779 October 15, 2023 Issues Connecting to Post...
print "Address-related error connecting to server: %s" % e sys.exit(1) except socket.error, e: print "Connection error: %s" % e sys.exit(1) try: s.sendall("GET %s HTTP/1.0rnrn" % filename) except socket.error, e: print "Error sending data: %s" % e ...
connecting to : mongodb:// Error: couldn’t connect to server, connection attempt failed: SocketException: Error connecting to :: caused by :: Connection refused : connect@src/...
org.gradle.internal.remote.internal.ConnectException: Could not connect to server [4f40fbf1-8d30-4c4a-9ba1-aaa9b723f4ea port:39287, addresses:[/]]. Tried addresses: [/]. at org.gradle.internal.remote.internal.inet.TcpOutgoingConnector.connect( ...
network: Connecting socket:// with proxy=DIRECT JavaMySQL at line 250: SQLException: null, message from server: "Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server" Part of my java code is: ... Connection conn = null; ...
I've got the error log full of errors like this 2022.02.01 10:29:55.659210 [ 341370 ] {} <Error> ServerErrorHandler: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 107, Net Exception: Socket is not connected, Stack trace (when copying this mess...
I am having socket problems connecting to a Local MYSQL Server Ubuntu installation and Pentaho and Open Office (no problems connecting with MYSQL admin or Query Browser though). Here are the results of trying to connect to this MYSQL server database: ...