<2>bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket 20:52:06.548 [10220.9276] <2> bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket <2>bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 25 20:52:06.563 [10220.9276] <2> bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 25 cannot connect on socket bpclntcmd -hn <client name> and bpclntcmd -ip is worki...
I have an SQL server receiving an error "cannot connect on socket (25)". I've verified name resolution from client and server, services are running,...
A backup job fails and the error code 25 (cannot connect on socket) is reported on the Activity Monitor. After details about the backup job are checked, it is found that the error message cannot connect on socket (25) is displayed.Información...
After installing lets encrypt ssl certificate socket io cannot connect to the server via https.I get the error ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR.When I run the frontend from localhost it seems to work fine but when I host the frontend on a live server it shows this error.What could be the issue?Ad...
When attempting to connect to a websocket server running within WSL a postman client running on the windows host machine cannot connect to the given endpoint unless given the exact IP of the WSL VM. Steps To Reproduce Create a simple websocket server. This example uses the node ws package (...
Cannot make Socket Connection Cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret in VS2017 Cannot open Window service in your computer Cannot perform '=' operation on System.Double and System.String. Cannot play MP4 videos in Chrome and IE on ASP.net cannot redirect after http headers have been se...
qt Cannot connect creator comm socket /tmp/qt_temp.S26613/stub-socket: No such Tool->Options->Environment->General 将terminal改为 xterm -e
I'm still unsure how to solve it on the Android side. marci4added theDiscussionlabelJan 22, 2019 olivierayachementioned this issueJan 8, 2020 Improvements in socket connect to server#962 Closed Collaborator marci4commentedMar 1, 2021 marci4closed this ascompletedMar 1, 2021 ...
Cannot connect to Gitaly socket I am going to install Gitlab CE via Debian packages. But when starting the gitlab process gitlab-runsvdir.service, I am ending up in an endless loop. The error message in the gitaly logs is: {"level":"warning","msg":"[core] [Channel #4 SubChannel #...