Non-blocking连接,读和写是异步的, 所以在你的网络应用中不需要阻塞其他代码的执行.建立一个Non-blocking连接: 1.在客户socket中设置ClientType属性为ctNonBlocking. 2.在服务器socket中设置ServerType属性为stNonBlocking. 读和写操作事件 sockets想通过连接读或写时,它会产生一个读和写操作事件通知你的socket.在客户...
StackOverflow: 非阻塞IO入门 (Introduction to non-blocking I/O) 非阻塞IO(non-blocking I/O)的程序都会遵循一个规则: 这个规则就是当你调用任何一个function的时候, 你都能立刻得到一个返回值. 也就是说, 这个...
当执行在一个UDP socket上时,这个错误表明前一个send操作返回一个ICMP“port unreachable”信息。 4、如果client关闭连接,server端的select并不出错(不返回-1,使用select对唯一一个socket进行non- blocking检测),但是写该socket就会出错,用的是send.错误号:ECONNRESET.读(recv)socket并没有返回错误。 5、该错误被...
server.c 点击(此处)折叠或打开 //gcc server.c-o server //indent-npro-kr-i8-ts8-sob-l280-ss-ncs-cp1* /***/ /**/ /*Server program which waitforthe clienttoconnectandreads the data*/ /*using non-...
当I/O 操作完毕时,操作系统将这个线程的阻塞状态解除,恢复其对CPU的控制权,令其继续执行。这种I/O 模式就是通常的同步式I/O(Synchronous I/O)或阻塞式I/O (Blocking I/O)。 相应地,异步式I/O (Asynchronous I/O)或非阻塞式I/O (Non-blocking I/O)则针对所有I/O 操作不采用阻塞的策略。当线程遇到...
I get a SocketException every time when opening a new database connection after upgrading from 3.05 to 3.1.4. A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately [::1]:5432 The connection is successful but the exception is annoying as it makes Visual Studio break every time a...
vapor-community/socketsPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork54 Star575 master 2Branches 64Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit tanner0101 Merge pull request#152from vapor/beta ...
operation on the socket will generate SIGPIPE (Section 5.12). c. A socket using a non-blocking connect has completed the connection, or the connect has failed. d. A socket error is pending. A write operation on the socket will not block and will return an error (–1) with errno set ...
相应地,异步式I/O (Asynchronous I/O)或非阻塞式I/O (Non-blocking I/O)则针对所有I/O 操作不采用阻塞的策略。当线程遇到I/O 操作时,不会以阻塞的方式等待I/O 操作的完成或数据的返回,而只是将I/O 请求发送给操作系统,继续执行下一条语句。当操作系统完成I/O 操作时,以事件的形式通知执行I/O 操作...
Java_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketConnect(...){if(timeout<=0){...connect_rv=NET_Connect(fd,(struct sockaddr*)&him,len);...}else{// 如果timeout > 0 ,则设置为nonblock模式SET_NONBLOCKING(fd);/* no need to use NET_Connect as non-blocking */connect_rv=connect(fd,(struct sockaddr*)...