在计算机编程中,socket 是一种通信端点,用于在网络中进行数据传输。Socket 可以是阻塞的或非阻塞的,这两种模式在处理数据传输时有不同的行为。 阻塞模式(Blocking Mode) 在阻塞模式下,当应用程序尝试执行一个操作(如读取或写入数据)时,如果该操作不能立即完成,应用程序将被阻塞,直到操作完成。这意味着在等待操作完成...
msdn上的原话是: The WSAAsyncSelect and WSAEventSelect functions automatically set a socket to nonblocking mode. If WSAAsyncSelect or WSAEventSelect has been issued on a socket, then any attempt to use ioctlsocket to set the socket back to blocking mode will fail with WSAEINVAL. To set the socke...
到达协议层以后,close()和shutdown()没有区别。 举几个栗子示范下close()和shutdown()的差异 下面通过几个例子演示下close()和shutdown()在多线程并发时的行为差异, 我们假设场景是: sock_fd 是一个blocking mode的socket。 thread-1 正在对sock_fd进行阻塞的recv(),还没有返回。 thread-2 直接对sock_fd调...
To set the socket back to blocking mode, an application must first disable WSAAsyncSelect by calling WSAAsyncSelect with the lEvent parameter equal to zero, or disable WSAEventSelect by calling WSAEventSelect with the lNetworkEvents parameter equal to zero. 网址:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/...
To set the socket back to blocking mode, an application must first disable WSAAsyncSelect by calling WSAAsyncSelect with the lEvent parameter equal to zero, or disable WSAEventSelect by calling WSAEventSelect with the lNetworkEvents parameter equal to zero. ...
Blocking Gets or sets a value that indicates whether theSocketis in blocking mode. Connected Gets a value that indicates whether aSocketis connected to a remote host as of the lastSendorReceiveoperation. DontFragment Gets or sets a value that specifies whether theSocketallows Internet Protocol (...
// If iMode != 0, non-blocking mode is enabled. u_long iMode = 1; //non-blocking mode is enabled. ioctlsocket(m_socket, FIONBIO, &iMode); //设置为非阻塞模式 一般大家介绍会说使用ioctlsocket,但是有些系统使用会报错。如下: ioctlsocket会报错,所以使用ioctl就好了,操作都是一样的。
IllegalBlockingModeException- 如果此套接字具有关联的通道并且该通道处于非阻塞模式 IllegalArgumentException- 如果端点为 null 或者此套接字不支持 SocketAddress 子类 从以下版本开始: 1.4 public voidbind(SocketAddressbindpoint) throwsIOException 将套接字绑定到本地地址。
Ifsocketis in blocking mode, the connect() call blocks the caller until the connection is set up, or until an error is received. Ifsocketis in non-blocking mode, the connect returns immediately with a return code of -1 and an errno of EINPROGRESS. The caller can test the completion of...
This socket option is intended for use with sockets that are configured in java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel#isBlocking() blocking mode only. The behavior of the close method when this option is enabled on a non-blocking socket is not defined. The initial value of this socket option is a ...