“socket closed by remote peer” 是一个由 GCDAsyncSocket 框架报告的错误,意味着在 TCP 通信过程中,远端的对等方(即服务器端或客户端的另一端)关闭了连接。这通常不是由客户端直接引起的,而是由于对端的一些操作或问题导致的。 可能的原因 服务器端主动关闭连接: ...
Can not establish connection with jdbc:iotdb:// : Socket is closed by peer… Host is, port is 6667. 原因 用0.10 的客户端连接 0.11 的服务器会报这个问题,客户端和服务器版本不匹配。 目前,客户端和服务器需要同版本,0.8,0.9,0.10,0.11之间不互相兼容。。
mac上经常有节点类似通知 在过去 44 秒中发生了 15 个错误,最后错误:Socket closed by remote peer 想问下怎么能屏蔽这种通知 目前看来好像没什么影响 但老是提示挺烦的 Reply mieqq replied to this. mieqq Jun 21, 2024 spirytuslove 更多-外观-通知-选择允许的本地通知类型-上游服务通知 Reply spirytuslove...
GCDAsyncSocket报错“Socket closed by remote peer” 公司产品使用自己的私有协议实现socket通信,但是连接socket的时候会概率性的出现连接不上socket的情况,需要大概一分钟才能连接上socket。查了很久都找不到原因。google了一下https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36861373/socket-closed-by-remote-peer-gcdasyncsocket,...
// Handle socket closed by peer } else { // Process the read data printf("Read %zd bytes: %s\n", bytes_read, buffer); } } else { printf("Socket is not readable\n"); // Handle socket not readable } close(sockfd); return 0; ...
io.trino.spi.TrinoException: Failed reading parquet data; source= s3://<REDACTED>; can not read class org.apache.parquet.format.PageHeader: Socket is closed by peer. at io.trino.plugin.hive.parquet.ParquetPageSource$ParquetBlockLoader.load(ParquetPageSource.java:230) ...
After a period of inactivity, the stream disconnects with the following error: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=7 "Socket closed by remote peer" UserInfo=0x7ff222d0ce90 {NSLocalizedDescription=Socket closed by remote peer}, { ...
Turns out though, "broken pipe" actually means "I just tried to send something and the socket was already closed to sending." So in the following example, if the other end of (TCP) socket "sock" closes or dies before the write method, "connection reset by peer" will be raised. The ...
之前手动安装后,配置了redis服务的systemctl管理(/etc/init.d/redisd或redis_6379),删掉源码安装的东西后,这个redisd启动服务还能 systemctl start | status ,误以为redis已经正常启动,导致报错。 后ps -ef | grep redis 和 netstat -nalp | grep 6379 两个命令都没有发现redis真正启动。
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