Can not establish connection with jdbc:iotdb:// : Socket is closed by peer… Host is, port is 6667. 原因 用0.10 的客户端连接 0.11 的服务器会报这个问题,客户端和服务器版本不匹配。 目前,客户端和服务器需要同版本,0.8,0.9,0.10,0.11之间不互相兼容。。
GCDAsyncSocket报错“Socket closed by remote peer” 公司产品使用自己的私有协议实现socket通信,但是连接socket的时候会概率性的出现连接不上socket的情况,需要大概一分钟才能连接上socket。查了很久都找不到原因。google了一下,...
Here's the full error: io.trino.spi.TrinoException: Failed reading parquet data; source= s3://<REDACTED>; can not read class org.apache.parquet.format.PageHeader: Socket is closed by peer. at io.trino.plugin.hive.parquet.ParquetPageSource$ParquetBlockLoader.load( ...
第3个异常是 Socket is closed。 该异常在客户端和服务器均可能发生。异常的原因是本端主动关闭了连接后(调用了Socket的close方法)再对网络连接进行读写操作。 第4个异常是 (Connection reset或者Connect reset by peer:Socket write error)。
Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=7 "Socket closed by remote peer" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Socket closed by remote peer} and already implemented Ping Manager in my code. Please help. Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment...
Turns out though, "broken pipe" actually means "I just tried to send something and the socket was already closed to sending." So in the following example, if the other end of (TCP) socket "sock" closes or dies before the write method, "connection reset by peer" will be raised. The ...
Connection reset by peer. 连接被远程主机关闭。有以下几种原因:远程主机停止服务,重新启动;当在执行某些操作时遇到失败,因为设置了“keep alive”选项,连接被关闭,一般与ENETRESET一起出现。 ECONNABORTED 1、软件导致的连接取消。一个已经建立的连接被host方的软件取消,原因可能是数据传输超时或者是协议错误。
当通讯端收到一个 RST 包后,如果仍然对 Socket 进行读取,那么就会抛出 connection has been reset by the peer 异常,如果仍然对 Socket 进行写入,就会抛出 broken pipe 异常。应用程序通过这样的方式来感知内核是否收到 RST 包。 发送RST 强制关闭连接,这将导致之前已经发送但尚未送达的、或是已经进入对端 Socket...