at 18/10/0816:23:51ERROR TransportResponseHandler: Still have1requests outstanding when connection from / closed 2、分析原因 运行的程序其实逻辑上比较简单,只是从hive表里读取的数据量很大,差不多60+G,并且需要将某些hive表读取到dirver节点上,用...
at 18/10/08 16:23:51 ERROR TransportResponseHandler: Still have 1 requests outstanding when connection from / is closed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 2、分析原因 运行的程序其实...
Caused by: Could not read footer for file FileStatus{path=hdfs://abc/Partition=O/part-r-00003-95adb09f-627f-42fe-9b89-7631226e998f.gz.parquet; isDirectory=false; length=12775; replication=3; blocksize=134217728; modification_time=1485801467817; access_time=1485801467179...
Additional Info (a) - - peer 2 peer Additional Info (b) - - video texture Additional Info (c) - - (text/chat/multiuser app) Phase 1 - Open Source Conferencing Tool...
I am experiencing massive errors on shuffle and connection reset by peer io exception for map/reduce word counting on big dataset. It worked with small dataset. I looked around on this forum as well as other places but could not find answer to this problem. Hopefully, anyo...
18/01/05 18:00:22 ERROR client.TransportResponseHandler: Still have 1 requests outstanding when connection from / is closed Could someone tell me what might be wrong here? Please let me know if you need more information from my side. ...
配置高可用(HA)集群在实际生产中可保证集群安全稳定高效的运行,下面讲解一下HA中的各个节点的作用。 1,zookeeper的java进程:QuorumPeermain,各种分布式服务(如hdfs,hbase,resourcemanager)注册到zookeeper上去,即可启动2个以上的相同进程(其中一个状态为active,其他为standby),那么,其中active节点挂了,可通过zookeeper进行切...
Connection to worker1 closed. root@master1:/usr/local/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.6/bin# jps 6629 QuorumPeerMain 4471 NameNode 6681 Jps 4825 ResourceManager 4685 SecondaryNameNode root@master1:/usr/local/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.6/bin# #通过 status命令查看每个台虚拟机的Mode状态,可以发现只...