社会文化理论(Sociocultural Theory, SCT)是由俄罗斯心理学家Lev Vygotsky提出的,强调学习是一个社会互动的过程,认为知识通过与他人(如教师或同伴)的互动而构建。 Vygotsky认为,认知发展不是一个孤立的、个体内部的过程,而是通过与他人(如教师、同伴)互动,并利用文...
sociocultural theory语言学社会文化理论(sociocultural theory)是一种由俄罗斯心理学家列夫·维果茨基(Lev Vygotsky)提出的心理学理论,该理论在语言学领域也有重要影响。社会文化理论强调个体的认知和语言发展是通过社会互动和文化环境中的参与而形成的。 在语言学中,社会文化理论强调语言习得的社会性和文化性。根据这一...
vygotsky’s sociocultural theoryvygotsky’s sociocultural theory 维果茨基的社会文化理论认为,知识和思维是通过社会交往和文化经验得到发展的。他认为,我们的思维和行为是受到我们所生活的社会和文化背景的影响的。 维果茨基强调了语言在个体认知发展中的重要性。他认为,语言是社会文化的产物,是我们与世界进行交流的...
This paper considers the use made of Vygotsky's work by many who take a sociocultural perspective and, in particular, by those who use his work to advance a particular view of second language acquisition and the 'silent period'. It is argued that Vygotsky's account as represented in ...
TheoryTransmissionofculturetonewgeneration Beliefs,customs,skillsSocialinteractionnecessarytolearnculture Cooperativedialoguewithmoreknowledgeablemembersofsociety Vygotskystressedtheimportanceoflanguage.(Thisisquiteevidentinhisviewsconcerningchildren’s“private”speech.)VYGOTSKY’SSOCIOCULTURALTHEORYChildren’sPrivateSpeech...
Lev Vygotsky created a theory of psychological development that has become increasingly influential in recent decades. The theory is viewed by some psychologists and pedagogues as alternative way to understand the development of children and adults in a way that differs substantially from the dominant ...
社会文化理论的前身是由Vygotsky以及其团队 (通常称作Vygotskian scholars, 即维果斯基学派学者) 提出的文化历史心理学 (cultural-historical psychology或称cultural-historical theory, 文化历史理论) 。其理念经过多年的发展, 已经深入至不同的学科领域, 包括人类学、教育语言学、应用语言学和第二语言习得。沃斯 (Wertsc...
L. S. Vygotsky, the renowned Russian psychologist, argued that the true test of any scientific theory is not the contribution it makes to our understanding of the object of study but the extent to which it improves the concrete practical activities of people, including those that take place in...
The sociocultural theory is a theory of human development that was created by Lev Vygotsky. This theory states that the development of the human mind is dependent on social interaction. The main idea of the sociocultural theory is that the development of the human mind is dependent on social ...
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