Vygotskyan sociocultural theory (SCT) (e.g., Vygotsky, 1978, 1986; for second language [L2] development, see Lantolf & Thorne, 2006) has been extended to interlanguage pragmatics (ILP) research in a number of interesting and fruitful directions since the 1990s.Keywords:cognitive development;...
•AttheheartofVygotsky’stheoryliestheunderstandingofhumancognitionandlearningassocialandculturalratherthanindividualphenomena.core •中介(mediation)•控制(regulation)•内化(internalization)•临近发展区(zoneofproximaldevelopment)•搭手架(scaffolding)•私语(privatespeech)/内语(innerspeech)•活动理论(...
1、Sociocultural theory and SLAWhat is sociocultural theory ? Lev Vygotsky At the heart of Vygotskys theory lies the understanding of human cognition and learning as social and cultural rather than individual phenomena.core 中介(mediation ) 控制( regulation) 内化( internalization ) 临近发展区( ...
nulle,Sociocultural theory and second Language Learning 热度: Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning 热度: JournalofSecondLanguageTeachingandResearch.Volume2Issue1 153 SOCIOCULTURALTHEORYINSECONDLANGUAGEEDUCATION:ANINTRODUCTION THROUGHNARRATIVES ...
TheoryTransmissionofculturetonewgeneration Beliefs,customs,skillsSocialinteractionnecessarytolearnculture Cooperativedialoguewithmoreknowledgeablemembersofsociety Vygotskystressedtheimportanceoflanguage.(Thisisquiteevidentinhisviewsconcerningchildren’s“private”speech.)VYGOTSKY’SSOCIOCULTURALTHEORYChildren’sPrivateSpeech...
社会文化理论的前身是由Vygotsky以及其团队 (通常称作Vygotskian scholars, 即维果斯基学派学者) 提出的文化历史心理学 (cultural-historical psychology或称cultural-historical theory, 文化历史理论) 。其理念经过多年的发展, 已经深入至不同的学科领域, 包括人类学、教育语言学、应用语言学和第二语言习得。沃斯 (Wertsc...
(e.g., Vygotsky,1978) and the dialogical theory (e.g., Bakhtin,1981). Each of these ultimately studies creativity as an ecology that includes actors, actions, audiences, artefacts, and affordances (Glăveanu,2013). We can thus focus our attention on acts that bear the mark of creativity...
In spite of the fact that several studies have lead to significant advances in understanding the influence of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory on second language learning, few have paid attention to the relationship between Vygotsky's theory and Chinese teaching. This article's main purpose is to ...
网络社会文化理论;社会文化学习理论;社会文化理論 网络释义
Therefore, according to Vygotsky's approach to the understanding of learning, the interactions between input and output give rise to second language development. 展开 关键词: sociocultural theory input output second language acquisition 被引量: 31 ...