Socialization refers to the process in which to appreciate the ideologies and norms of a specific society. It entails teaching and learning to ensure that cultural and social continuity is maintained in a given society. Moreover, the human need to socialize and share ideas to coexist in a ...
a社会化是指人从一个自然人转化为一个能够适应一定的社会环境,参与一定的社会生活,履行一定的角色职能的社会人的过程。 The socialization is refers to the human is one can adapt certain social environment from a natural person transformation, participates in certain social life, fulfills certain role func...
a组织社会化是指个人在与组织互动的过程中,不断调整自己的态度和行为,最终适应所在组织并有效融入组织的过程。 The organization socialization is refers personally in with in the organization interaction process, the continual readjustment manner and the behavior, finally adapt and integrate the organization ef...
Recontextualization refers to “the process of how discourse points to (indexes) the context which seems to frame it” (Silverstein, 2019), meaning how the meaning of texts can be recreated in a new context. It can be found in reusing texts in new events (Silverstein and Urban, 1996), ...
Whenever they move into a new group, humans need to learn what is appropriate behavior in that group. This process of socialization goes on throughout the lifespan: Children learn how to behave in the home, at school, and while interacting with peers. As they become adolescents and adults,...
Socialization may be a formal or informal process. That is, when a new librarian is hired, we may have a set plan for them to go through in order to learn about the organization. Conversely, we might just leave this largely up to chance. Like the other six dimensions, there can be as...
It also refers to the process by which young people acquire various patterns of cognitions and behaviours (Moschis and Moore, 1979). The process of socialization is an endless process that begins at the earlier years of life and continues till the last breath. However the most influencing ...
This edited volume brings together work on children by anthropologists writing from a range of interests and drawing on diverse ethnographic and material evidence. Together, these chapters argue that the study of children is a particularly promising way to address key questions in contemporary anthropolo...
A socialization agent is an entity, such as families, schools, peers, or mass media, that plays a significant role in the process of socialization by influencing individuals' behaviors, beliefs, and values. AI generated definition based on: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Scie...
This report on the process of graduate and professional student socialization provides information that can be of use to graduate program faculty and administrators, professional associations, state legislatures, and professional licensing bodies charged with assuring clients that well qualified professional ...