Our interactive and engage middle school social studies curriculum transform learning in the classroom and online with hands-on lessons.
Inspire active citizenship with our 6–12 social studies curriculum. Our social studies programs cultivate the critical thinking skills children need.
Help your middle schooler dig deeper into the different events in the ancient world and US history that have shaped our world. Expand their knowledge of geography and world cultures with Time4Learning’s social studies curriculum for middle school. Time4Learning’s course offerings give your family...
Middle School Lesson Plan Downloads for Middle East Culture Studies Sarah Degnan Moje Categories : Lesson plans for middle school social studies Tags : Teaching middle school grades 6 8 Look no further than this engaging and creative unit on The Middle East to capture your middle school clas...
Using Aesthetic Scanning to Enrich Social Studies Instruction for Middle School StudentsMesopotamia, the Renaissance, and the Civil War. These units of study found in the California...Lorimer, MaureenSocial Studies Review
An effective social-emotional learning curriculum for middle school ensures that students develop self-awareness as they find real-world solutions to the challenges they encounter.
TRANSFORMING MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES Middle Grades Research JournalNance, Starlynn
Bell ringers can make a huge difference in terms of setting the stage for a successful class period. This lesson provides bell ringers you can use in a middle school social studies class. The Purpose of Bell Ringers As a teacher, you know that the transitional times can be the most chall...
Palm Middle School 2016 Social Studies Mr. Carignan. Welcome 6th Graders! Mrs. Franklin. What to Expect th Grade Language Syllabus-Ms. Rogers Daily Schedule Homeroom 4:10-4:15 Period One 4:15-4:51 (Social Studies) Period Two 4:55-5:31 (Planning Period) Period Three 5:35-6:01 ...
Annual Middle School Social Studies Fair TedaIS 2024年10月30日 16:06 天津 Last week, middle school students participated in the annual Social Studies Fair. Grade 6 students created a class poster titled “Early European Settlements in North Amer...