But in the Philippines, corruption is a social structure.The very social bonds and social structures that are good at building civic unity and solidarity are also good at spreading and maintaining corruption, and this is why corruption is so difficult to remove.Patrons use these societal features...
Aidha created by Sarah Mavrinac, a French national, is operating in many Asian countries (Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, United Arab Emirates) and offers an array of services including money management, confidence-building, computing and entrepreneurship courses spe...
Philippines Highlights Market definition In-Scope/Out-of-scope Market structure Reports Methodology In the Philippines, ad spending in the Social Media Advertising market is projected to reach US$678.66m in 2025. The ad spending in this market is expected to demonstrate an annual growth ...
I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Prickin this case literally refers to a sharp, pointed goad for oxen and figuratively to the voice of authority. To literally kick against the pricks then is a painful and thoroughly futile act. ...
A comparative study of women trafficked in the migration process. Patterns profiles and health consequences of sexual exploitation in five countries (Indon... This study was undertaken by an interdisciplinary cross-cultural research team from Indonesia the Philippines Thailand Venezuela and the United Sta...
In the Philippines, Boracay Island (with an area of 10.32 km2) was closed to tourists for six months in 2018 in order to limit tourism pressures, despite many concerns of regional economic losses. This study reveals that the uneven distribution of tourism pressure between individual protected ...
The way in which entrepreneurs, particularly minorities and immigrants manage to obtain the capital and labor necessary to sustain a business can be studied by considering the social structure within which individuals and groups construct firms.Ethnographic studies of Java and the Philippines indicate tha...
So being a gay in Philippines is hard. And because also we’re a Catholic believer type of country, it’s a big sin. You go to hell straight away (28, Southeast Asia) As a result of these expectations, participants believed that coming out as gay publicly might expose the family to ...
A recent study [208], using methylation data of 494 participants (age 20–22 years) recruited from a longitudinal birth cohort survey in the Philippines, showed that nutritional, microbial, and psycho-social exposures in infancy and childhood predict adult levels of DNAm in genes that shape ...
Ogu31 underscores the importance of a bottom-up participatory stakeholder partnership approach in urban environmental infrastructure improvement. Mouton32 discusses the material dimensions of ‘smart city’ initiatives in the Philippines, while González33 highlights the potential of participatory design in ...