As a macroscopical check on modern society andsocial science, the notion of neighbor has emerged. 基于对现代社会及现代社会科学某些方面的宏观检视, 有被忽视之嫌的邻居问题凸显出来. 期刊摘选 Since 2004, selected for ChineseSocial ScienceCitation Index ( CSSCI ) source journals directory. ...
Is Social Science a "Science"——Social "Ke Xue" is a Mistranslafion of Social Science Social science has long been translated as"she hui ke xue". Careful studies discover that the cause of the mistranslation is that polysemant as a whole has... LI Tian-Xin - 《Journal of Luoyang ...
这里要谈到的是:英语"the social sciences"与汉语“社会科学”是否对应,或者说是否可以把"(the) social science(s)“译成”社会科学“或把后者译如,《新英汉词典》将"the social sciences"译做”(各门)社会科学“;《汉英词典》则将”社会科学“译做”social sciences".看来,两者同义,该是毋庸置疑的了吧。 但...
(2)以⼈类社会某⼀特定⽅⾯为其研究对象的科学(如经济学或政治学)(science[as economics or political science)dealing with a particular phase or aspect of human society)。 两相⽐较,汉语“社会科学”的含义显然⽐英语"social science为⼴。但两者的区别远不⽌此: 据同上韦⽒...
The history-inspired theory of science by Thomas Kuhn is contrasted with the anarchistic approach by Paul Feyerabend, the sociological one by Robert Merton, and with the economically minded theory by Michael Polanyi. The social factors that could derail scientific progress (the Matthew effect, ...
词汇 social science 释义 social science Word family nounsocialismsocialistsocialitesocialitysocializationsocialnesssociatesociationsocial climbersocial contractsocial democracysocial engineeringsocial exclusionsocial fundsocial networkingsocial sciencesocial securitysocial servicesocial studiessocial worksocial worker...
social science approaches as ranging from “knowledge acquisition is deductive, value-free, and generalizable” (compatible with natural sciences), to “knowledge acquisition is inductive, value-laden, and contextually unique” (quite distinct from natural sciences). Economics, political science, ...
Science, technology and society Social policy Sociology Show more Latest Research and Reviews Sentiment preservation in Quran translation with artificial intelligence approach: study in reputable English translation of the Quran Kamel Gaanoun Mohammed Alsuhaibani ...
political science, sociology, economics history, philosophy, psychology •social anthropology, legal and educational disciplines, evaluation studies in such fields as child development, health, education, income security, manpower, mental health, criminal justice, and the physical and social environments,...
science名— 学名 · 理名 · 理学名 · 科技名 · 学术名 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...] of schools (in different subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology, ...