This chapter discusses intelligence testing as a social activity. Intelligence has primarily been the concern of psychologists rather than sociologists because intelligence is assumed to be an individual rather than a social phenomenon. Within the psychological literature, intelligence is generally approached...
It is further argued that in negotiating this encounter the conversationalists confirm the casual conversation as a unit of received social structure. The basic condition of all encounters, it is argued, is more or less explicit agreement concerning the relative power of the intenlocutors in the...
aSociology is the subject which studies the society by means of the scientific tools. It is a social science which to a large extent relies on various empirical investigation and theoretical analysis to develop a set of knowledge about human social activity. For many sociologists the aim is to...
While we argue phasing out racial terminology ( ' , 术语 ) in the biologicalsciences, we also acknowledge that using race as a political or social category to study racism, although filled with lots of challenges, remains necessary given our need to understand how structural inequities and discri...
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has visited earthquake-struck Santorini, as the Aegean island imposed more precautionary measures amid intense seismic activity February 07 Falling space debris is increasingly threatening airplanes, researchers say ...
Now it is time to extend your Anahita installation with some apps and components. Anahita comes with a list of social apps you can use as they are or use as blueprints for developing your custom apps. To get a list of available apps, simply type the following command: ...
If you’ve ever felt exhausted from socializing, there’s a very real reason — it has to do with our unique wiring as introverts.
既要观察人物又要观察历史,以及他们之间错综复杂的关系 The full expression social sciences question, must both have to include individual difficult position and to have to include the public question, also also must observe the character to have to observe the history, as well as between them ...
Social scientists appear to underestimate the amount of support and lifetime usage in their fields for open science practices (although the gap may be partly due to differences between the relatively elite sample we surveyed and members of these disciplines as a whole). For many reasons, this ...
Saul Alinsky was an American social organizer who stimulated the creation of numerous activist citizen and community groups. After college training in archaeology and criminology, Alinsky worked as a criminologist in Illinois for eight years. In 1938, he