These differences might seem trivial or irrelevant to outside observers, but they have contributed to racial conflicts that have been a persistent social problem in US society.美国是建立在人人平等的原则之上的,但在实践中,这个国家与这一理想相去甚远。 The United States was founded on the principle...
The plight of the aged has come to be regarded as a major social problem in the United States. In a sense, the elderly (conventionally, those aged sixty-five and over) are a "newly-discovered" minority group. Like other minority groups, the old are subjected to job discrimination; they ...
❖ThesedifferenceshavecontributedtoracialconflictsthathavebeenapersistentsocialproblemtoAmericansociety.(这些差异造成了 在美国社会长期存在的种族冲突)RacialProblems ❖TheUnitedStateswasfoundedontheprincipleofhumanequality,butinpracticethenationhasfallenfarshortofthatideal.❖Racialtension Particularlysincethecivil...
RacismintheUnitedStateshasbeenamajorissue sincethecolonialera.Historically,thecountryhas beendominatedbywhite.Theoriginofracialproblems Unlikemostotherpeoples,Americanareprimarilyanationofimmigrants.Thecitizensortheirancestorsimmigratedfrommanypartsoftheglobe.ThoughpeopleallshareacommonAmericanculture,thenationcontainsmany...
persistent social problem to American society. The origin of racial problems The history of racial problems The slave auction The first blacks were brought to North American in 1619 . Within a few decades the demand for their cheap labor led to a massive slave trade that ultimately transported ...
These differences have contributed to racial conflicts that have been a persistent social problem to American society.(这些差异造成了在美国社会长期存在的种族冲突) Racial Problems The United States was founded on the principle of human equality, but in practice the nation has fallen far short of ...
problemsofthepoor.Thisraisessomeseriousmoralproblems andinevitablycreatesfierceconflictsorinterestandmany politicalcontroversies.Therefore,povertyintheUnitedStatesis abigsocialproblem. DrugAbuse •DrugabuseintheUnitedStateshascometobe regardedasoneofthemostchallengingsocial problemsfacingthenation.Thedrugissuealways ex...
Thedistributionofwealthandincomeisunequal,whichaggravatetheproblemofpoverty DrugAbuseIsASocialProblemintheUnitedStates Drug’sDysfunctions Trainspotting Themovietellsaboutacrowdofyoungmenlivewithalargenumberofdrugs.Itisaveryrealisticand...
19、ility of these large organizations has become a major social problem .,Government and corporations are widely distrusted in the United States .,Watergate scandal of the early 1970s,Distrust of government reached its height.,The Watergate affair led to the trials and convictions of many high ...
johnson failed to solve the problem of poverty,why problem of poverty in the united states is aggravated? because the overall distribution of wealth and income is very unequal,the pattern of the distribution of wealth in the us,the richest fifth of american individuals and families own 6、s ...