Drug abuse in the United States has come to be regarded as one of the most challenging social problems facing the nation. 事实上,“毒品”这个词本身就能激起强烈的情绪,自20世纪60年代末以来的民意调查显示,“毒品问题”被大多数美国人视为对社会的主要威胁,尤其是对年轻人的威胁。 Indeed, the very ...
SOCIALPROBLEMSINTHEUNITEDSTATES SocialProblemsintheUnitedStates RacialProblems Poverty DrugAbuse Crime TheAbuseofPowerbyGovernmentandCorporations I.RacialProblems ---Americansareprimarilyanation ofimmigrants ❖---1.someasrefugeesfromreligiousandpoliticalpersecution(逃避宗教和政治迫害的难民)❖---2.someas...
Drug Abuse Drug abuse in the United States has come to be regarded as one of the most challenging social problems facing the nation. Drug abuse in the United States is a social problem because it has a wide range of social costs, or dysfunctions. Drug’s Dysfunctions 1. Crime 2. ...
Socialproblemsintheunitedstates Contents RacialproblemsPoverty Drugabuse Crime TheAbuseofPowerbyGovernmentandCorporations Theorigin Thehistory presentPresentsituationsituation antidiscrimination RacismintheUnitedStateshasbeenamajorissue sincethecolonialera.Historically,thecountryhas beendominatedbywhite.Theoriginofracial...
1、unit 10 social problems in the united states focal points racial problems poverty as a social problem drug abuse white-collar crime richard nixon socially-stratified american society american society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and prestige are unequally distributed. it is divided...
1、social problems in the united state,poverty drug abuse crime health care government and corporations: the abuse of power,poverty,over 24 million people (more than 1 american in 10) are living at or below the poverty line,what does poverty mean in the united states? 1 over 24 million ...
Crimeisoneofthemostsocialproblemsfacingthenation.FormerpresidentNixonremarkedseveraloccasionsthatcrimeisthe“numberoneenemy”andthat“wemustdeclarewaragainstit.”Violentcrime Violentcrime It hasreachedalarmingproportioninU.S.61%ofallwomenfeelunsafeintheirownneighborhoodsinnight45%ofthepopulationis...
Unit 10 Social Problems In The United States Focal Points ● Racial problems ● Poverty as a social problem ● Drug abuse ● White-collar crime ● Richard Nixon Socially-Stratified American Society American society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and prestige are unequally distributed....
the drug trade years old have seen the drug trade in their school in their school Crime Crime ———Another serious social Another serious social problem problem Crime in US Crime in US Crime is one of the most Crime is one of the most serious social problems facing serious social problems...
will die 10 to 20 years later Drug death Excessive drug use Suicide because of drug diseases Indifferent attitude toward junkie Death from accident The reason Drug the youth Crime ——Another serious social problem Crime in US Crime is one of the most serious social problems facing the nation....