This graph shows the stats of social media in Austria from Dec 2023 - Dec 2024. Facebook has 52.89%, Instagram has 23.42% and Pinterest has 10.82%.
This graph shows the stats of social media in Grenada from Dec 2023 - Dec 2024. Facebook has 44.13%, Instagram has 21.06% and Pinterest has 19.25%.
However, note that figures for social media users may not represent unique individuals, and due to issues like duplicate accounts, social media user figures may exceed the figures that we publish for internet users – or even for the total population. This is why we refer to social media user...
In Jan 2021, there were 4.20 billion users of the differentsocial media platforms. In 2023, these stats are offering an even HIGHER POPULATION. There are 4.76 billion, covering around59% of the POPULATION.Such whopping statistics!(Report from Statista) Twitter users range from about73 million. ...
Social media statistics (top picks) There are4.62 billionsocial media users worldwide (10.1% more than last year). That represents58.4%of theglobal population, 93.3% of the global online population, and 74.8% of the global adult population (over18). ...
9 Year Social Media Growth Statistics: 2024: 5.170 billion active users (+4.44%) 2023: 4.950 billion active users (+7.07%) 2022: 4.623 billion active users (+3.19%) 2021: 4.480 billion active users (+13.13%) 2020: 3.960 billion active users (+13.7%) 2019: 3.484 billion active users (...
Market leader Facebook was the first social network to surpass one billion registered accounts and currently sits at more than three billion monthly active users. Meta Platforms owns four of the biggest social media platforms, all with more than one billion monthly active users each: Facebook (co...
The best source for getting stats on the biggest social media platforms is direct from company statements and earning announcements. However, these can be misleading based on different definition of 'active users'. So, considering the number of sessions in apps gives a better comparison. This sh...
ll have to be the judge of which social media platform contains your target audience which you want to market toward, and this could help shape your social media marketing plan. Use these social media stats to get better insights into the world of social media, and how you can maximize ...
20. Facebook is still themost-visited social media site, and is currently ranked as the 4th most visited site in the world! Most of the Facebook stats listed here could be seen as negative. And there’s no denying that the platform is experiencing a decline. ...